Part 3

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"So..." Emily said. "How do you feel? Are you ready for all this?"

"He's not here." Cassy said. Her deflated tone sucked all the excitement out of Emily's.

"That's ok. You'll find him. Not everyone meets their soul mate the same day they are old enough." Emily said putting her arm around Cassy.

"You don't understand" Cassy shrugged her off. " You can't. Aaron swept you off your feet the second you turned sixteen. You both knew even before then and wouldn't admit it to yourselves..." Cassy shook her head. "I've waited all day and nothing. Not even a whiff. He's not here. The whole pack is here but he's not. He's not a part of our pack."

I glanced around at the people Cassy had gestured too. There certainly were a lot of them. I gazed out at the others. Most of them seemed to be around Cassy's age. A couple were glancing over at us. I couldn't tell if they were curious or just waiting for a show. My eyes were drawn to a familiar group of men. They were talking quietly amongst themselves. They looked a bit out of place but I understood they weren't really here for the party so much as to supervise so it wouldn't get out of hand.

My eyes caught a flash of green and I did a double take. I regretted looking around the second my eyes locked on his. The warm forest green swallowed me as I looked back. Why was he looking at me? Why couldn't I look away? An ache started deep in my chest. It was a reflection of the sadness I saw in his eyes. Probably a physical manifestation of my own agonizing depression as well. I blinked breaking the eye contact and jerked my head back to focus on Emily and Cassy. I couldn't deal with this tonight. I didn't want to face the pain of Silas leaving me. Not now. Not ever. I certainly didn't want to consider that he might be hurting from it as well.

"Come on RY. Let's get drunk." Cassy caught my arm and tugged. I looked up at Emily wondering what I had missed. Emily gave me a soft smile. It was sympathetic and understanding. She'd seen the look Silas had given me as well. Had she thought it meant something too? Maybe I did need to get drunk except I had to pick up Amelia after the party.

"Go. Have fun. I'll grab Amelia from Alisa." Emily said.

Before I could protest Cassy was pulling me along with her to the kitchen. I let her. If both Emily and Cassy saw this as some form of solution it was worth a shot.

The kitchen wasn't as crowded as the rest of the house seemed to be. Cassy opened the fridge and pulled out a few items. Then she went to the cabinets and pulled out some cups. She mixed some of the liquids together into the cups and then handed one to me. I sniffed it. It smelled like coconut and strawberry but the liquor underneath was strong. I took a sip. It wasn't bad. I took another sip.

Cassy hopped up on to the counter and patted the spot next to her for me to sit. I joined her.

"Do you know how Emily and Aaron met?" Cassy asked.

I nodded. I knew a little bit about what happened with Emily.

"She was Silas girlfriend..." Cassy started. I automatically glanced in the direction I knew Silas was. My heart jumped. He was looking at me again. He had probably heard Cassy say his name. I wished she would talk about something else. I held my breath and took another drink.

"They were like best friends for a couple months and then they started doing other stuff so they made it official.  That only lasted for a couple months too because the chemistry between Aaron and Emily was like crazy. Silas knew what was going on and broke it off with Emily. He even told them 'You're mates' and they didn't believe him... Anyway they knew, we knew, before she even turned 16. Silas dragged Aaron to her party and the second the clock struck on her official birthday, bam, Aaron grabbed her in the hottest kiss I have ever seen. Silas was all smug. He leaned down to me and said 'That's why you wait for your mate'. I waited. I've been waiting 6 years and nothing. No insane connections. No chemistry. No mate." Cassy broke off finally and took a long drink form her cup.

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