Part 13

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I had the strangest sense of waking up in a dream. I'd even had this dream before. It was a nightmare that ran on repeat, except the deep forest green eyes that were watching me looked more tormented than anything my nightmares could have fabricate. I blinked but the eyes didn't waiver or vanish. This wasn't one of my dreams. This was really Silas. I blinked harder and glanced around. I recognized the medical wing. It hadn't been that long ago that I was here, in this exact spot, with Silas at my side. When he had left me...

'What's going on?' I signed.

"You don't remember?" Silas asked.

I shook my head. I was achy all over, my head and throat hurt, but nothing stood out enough to warrant waking up in here. Silas nostrils flared and he shook his head. His hand came up and pinched the bridge of his nose. Whatever had happened was bad if Silas was still struggling with it. I pressed my lips together and waited for him to gather himself enough to tell me.

"You took an entire bottle of antidepressants." He said finally.

My mouth popped open in surprise. Antidepressants... Fluoxetine... Drake. I sat up quickly as everything came rushing back to me. Drake had threatened to hurt Amelia.

'Where's Amelia?!' I signed.

"She's with Emily and until we get this sorted out..." Silas shook his head. "If you're..." Silas broke off and pinched the bridge of his nose again. The door at the end of the hall opened but I didn't look up. I couldn't look away from Silas. There was so much pain and sadness. He thought that I had... My eyes burned and I reached out for him. I touched his arm tentatively. I knew from experience that he would pull away. He did but only long enough to catch my hand and press my fingers to his lips.

"You're awake. That's good." Matthew said. I gulped back tears and looked up at him. My breath caught. One step behind Matthew was Drake.

"We have some questions for you." Matthew said.

"Is it wise to question someone that is clearly unstable?" Drake asked.

"Not only is it wise, it's protocol." Silas said lowering my hand. "Timing is crucial when processing an assault."

"What proof do you have that Ms. Avi was assaulted? Surely you aren't referring to her suicide attempt." Drake said.

"I have informed Alpha Brogan of the marks on Ms. Avi's body. They are consistent with that of an assault and it is not uncommon for a young woman to make an attempt like this after being assaulted." Matthew said.

I gasped and released Silas hand. I caught the millimeter expression on Drake's face. Rage. He was furious that the pills hadn't worked and now... They knew for certain that someone had tried to hurt me.

"You cannot pursue an investigation without an official report." Drake said. His tone was the polar opposite of the furious expression that had flashed across his face. It was calm and bored.

"Rylan..." Matthew said ducking his head to meet my eyes.

"Do you wish to make an official report?" Matthew asked.

I gulped and shook my head no.

"Did you take the pills on your own?" Matthew asked.

I pressed my lips together and looked over at Silas. He knew the answer the second my eyes met his. The pain on his face made it seem like I'd ripped his heart out of his chest.

'I'm so sorry.' I signed and covered my face to hide my tears. Silas shifted quickly and pulled me into his arms.

"There you have it. This girl is ill. She needs a 72 hour hold and an intensive evaluation." Drake said. "Your job here is done, Brogan."

Drakes words only made my reality feel worse. He was right. Silas was done here. He was done with me. My shoulders shook with the force of my tears. Silas arms tightened around me. The warm forest scent I had grown to love tormented my soul with the threat of banishment. They were going to lock me up. It'd be just like the hospital except without Jackson. I was as good as dead. I'd never see Amelia or Silas again.

"Brogan." Drake said a little more forcefully when Silas hadn't moved.

"I'm taking a leave of absence." Silas said against my hair.

"You're taking a leave of absence during the middle of an investigation? You may as well submit your resignation." Drake laughed incredulously.

"Alpha's are permitted to take an absence during family emergencies so long as they've established a suitable replacement." Matthew said.

"Not while they are under investigation for murder and misconduct." Drake said.

"I assure you that it's permittable regardless of your desires. Beta Avi is more than suitable and willing to help you with your investigation while Alpha Brogan attends to the wellbeing of... a family member." Matthew said.

"Rylan Avi is not a relative of Brogans." Drake said.

"Then by all means, place a complaint with the council and have them decline his request." Matthew said.

"I'm not going to fall for some ploy to get me side tracked with my investigation. Brogans request is denied. As a member of the council I am permitted to make decisions without consulting the entirety of the council." Drake said.

"Regardless of regulation, Aaron will be attending to my meetings and duties for the next 72 hours. If you wish to investigate the acting Alpha of Willow Pack then for the next 72 hours you'll be investigating Aaron Avi. If you still wish to investigate me I can assure you the next few days will consist of private discussion's, follow up exams, and rest." Silas said without moving.

"I said request denied." Drake repeated in a dangerous tone.

"I wasn't requesting." Silas said. "Now if you'll excuse us, Matthew has some medical details that he would like to discuss with Rylan and he is very strict about patient confidentiality."

"You are welcome to wait outside." Matthew said.

"I am under council orders to observe Alpha Brogan." Drake said.

"Those observations do not extend to private medical exams." Matthew said.

"The council will revoke your medical license if you hinder their investigation." Drake said.

"I will gladly hand it over before I force one of my patients to give up their right to privacy." I peaked up just in time to see Matthew walk calmly over to the door. He held it open and looked at Drake expectantly.

"Miss Avi, may I sit in on your exam." Drake asked through clinched teeth.

My eyes widened in fear as he addressed me. Drake had never asked my permission for anything. I looked up at Silas and then Matthew. Neither of them offered any indication of what I should do. I looked back at Silas. If he really meant to stay near me for the next 72 hours Drake wouldn't get a chance to take his anger out on me, and with Amelia staying with Emily she would be no where near the pack house. We would both be safe. All I had to worry about was Silas and the council. Drake wouldn't go to the extreme over one no. Would he?

My head said no before my brain could finish processing.

Drakes nostrils flared and he clinched his hands into fists. Maybe I had underestimated his temper. He walked through the door but turned back before Matthew shut the door.

"The council will hear about this." Drake hissed. Matthew shrugged and closed the door before he could say anything more. 

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