Part 43

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            My hands were shaking as I sank down into the chair outside of the room Alisa and Matthew had pushed me out of. 

I'd been standing at Emily's side as often as I could for the last three hours. Matthew had barked at me to sit down almost as often as he'd told Emily to try and breath. Both commands fell flat. Emily was in agony and she used every breath to beg for Aaron, that she'd changed her mind and she did need him here. I tried to link him over and over again but either he was shutting me out or I was too weak to reach.

Two hours in Matthew knew her pushing wasn't going to work. Something was wrong. He called Alisa. They were switching to an emergency caesarean delivery and even that wasn't enough. Emily had started bleeding before they could prep for surgery. There was so much blood and nothing I could do. I just stood there like an idiot terrified and lost. I don't know how many times Matthew and Alisa tried to say something to me. I was completely gone remembering how painful it had felt when I was bleeding like that, how terrified Silas must have been to see it. Terrified like I was now. Alisa shoved me toward a chair but I'd been to shocked to acknowledge what she was aiming for and it didn't matter because a moment later she shoved me out of the room.

Now here I was praying to every god and goddess I could think of to help Emily through this, to bring Aaron back to her, and to not take their baby.

The door across from Emily's opened. I shot to my feet and ignored the pain that slammed through my body with the movement as I practically ran toward Aaron and Silas.

Aaron side stepped passed me. Silas's arms wrapped around my middle. My hand shot catching Aaron's shirt but it didn't stop him. He gripped my hand back, squeezed once, and then pulled it off his shirt and kept going. 

I tried to link him, to tell him Emily was in surgery now, but nothing came out and then he disappeared through her door. 

I watched and waited. Partially sure that Alisa would throw him out the way she had me. When that didn't happen I turned my confused and terrified eyes to Silas for answers.

"Aaron can feel her through their bond. He knows what's going on." Silas said. He shifted his arms from around my waist just enough to scoop me up completely.

My hands shot up to sign that I was fine and didn't need to be carried but Silas cut me off.

"I can feel you through our bond as well so don't bother lying to me."

I scowled up at him for a second. His usually handsome face held dark circles under his eyes and almost no color too the rest of it. I knew from his look alone that the meeting had not gone well but it didn't matter. What mattered was that he and Aaron had returned. Now all we needed was for Emily to be ok and the rest we could handle.

Silas moved us to sit back in my chair and I turned my eyes once again to Emily's door. It was so quiet. I couldn't hear anything from inside. Not even Matthew and Alisa talking.

'Why can't I hear anything?' I asked. 'Everything seemed so loud in there but out here nothing. Not even Matthew.'

"The rooms are sound proofed. My mom is focusing on getting the baby out safely. Matthew is already giving Emily blood to make up for what she's losing." Silas said brushing a hand down from the top of my head to my lower back in a soothing gesture.

'Aaron?' I asked. I was worried he might be freaking out like I had. I didn't want him to be in there alone and I didn't want Emily to feel like she was alone either.

"He's talking to her." Silas said and paused. "She's unconscious but he's reassuring her that he's here. That the baby's almost here. And..." Silas paused and shook his head. "And that he's get vasectomy as soon as she wakes up because they are never having another baby."

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