Part 32

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I tapped a quick knock as I pushed open Cassy's door. 

She'd been the one that asked me to come over so I had assumed she was expecting me. 

Judging by how quickly Cassy tried to get off her bed and fell that was not the case.

I blinked hard trying to figure out if my mind was deceiving me. 

Cassy hadn't just been trying to jump up off of her bed, she'd been jumping off of the person she'd been straddling on her bed. My eyes shot toward Cassy to see if she was ok. 

I hadn't meant to interrupt something. I wasn't sure if I should leave or wait. 

I glanced back toward the boy she'd been sitting on.

His soul crushing grey eyes and black hair were unmistakable as he stared back at me. 


Bile rose in my throat and my chest burned with the sudden panic. 

I took a step back, paused, remembered Cassy was also in this room, and stepped forward.

 A rage bubbled up inside of me and I stepped forward again.

"Please don't hurt him." Cassy whispered pulling my attention for a flash of a second.

Luka shifted raising one hand in a stop gesture as Cassy tried to go back to him. His haunting grey eyes stayed trained on me even as he spoke to her.

"I told you I would face Silas not Rylan." He said.

"Silas would try to kill you." Cassy said.

"Try being the word in my favor little mate." Luka said.

~Don't call her that!~ I seethed taking another step forward.

"Easy protectress. I have not harmed her, nor you. Cassidy is my true mate. She is marked." Luka tried to explain and suddenly I could see red.

He'd marked her?

I grasped onto all of my pain and rage and shoved it through the link that I'd used to talk to Luka. 

He growled and covered his head with both hands. 

Cassy screamed and dropped.

~Cassy!~ I rushed to her, releasing Luka in the process.

Luka was instantly on his feet and stepping toward us.

~Stay away from us.~ I warned wrapping my arms around Cassy protectively.

Luka took a measured step back and raised his hands in surrender.

"Please allow me to explain." He said.

"We're mates." Cassy said shakily as she sat up with her hand still at her forehead. 

Now that I was closer I could see the dark symbol of a proper mark on her neck. Some how even knowing that it had been a consensual marking still made me feel sick. There was no way she would have agreed to this if she had known who he was, what he did.

~You tricked her?! Just like you tricked me?!~ I demanded shooting to my feet and rounding on Luka again.

Luka opened and closed his mouth. His jaw ticked and he glanced over at Cassy. Several emotions flickered through his eyes. The ones I recognized most were fear and resolve. Luka shifted sinking down to his knee before me.

"I swear fealty to you protectress. I ask only that you spare my life. My mate does not deserve to die for my sins." He said head bowed and eyes cast down.

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