Part 18

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"Rylan is interested in visiting our territory. We were just going to take a walk to discuss the details." Zac said holding his arm toward me.

My eyes widened and I looked back at Silas. If Zac was implying the details that I actually wanted to hear it was worth the risk of taking a walk with a stranger, especially if Silas approved. Silas shrugged out of his suit jacket and dropped it over my shoulders. He tugged on the jacket, pulling me close, and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"Stay with them. I'll be back." He said very quietly before pulling away. I gulped and accepted Zac's arm. If Silas trusted them that would have to be enough for me. Alpha or not there was something about Logan that didn't scare me.

Silas said something to Drake as we walked away and they began walking as well in the opposite direction. We walked away from the party, all the way out into the parking lot.

"We will tell you about the take down but in return you need to tell Silas exactly who Drake is." Logan said.

My breath caught and my head snapped up to look at him.

Logan raised an eye brow at me.

"As I said, I know who you are. I also know who he is and thanks to the information we gathered at the facility I know what hand he played in all of this. So if is here and alive that means Silas does not." Logan raised his hand and tapped my throat as he spoke. I flinched away from the sudden contact and covered the area with my hand.

Logan and Zac were both quiet as they assessed me. Finally Logan shook his head and spoke again.

"So he has been hurting you?" I kept my eyes on the ground and shook my head. There was no way I would Silas life in the hands of a stranger. I regretted coming out here with them. I should have just stayed with Silas.

"We went in at night to ensure minimal casualties. There were only 20 deaths over all, all were facilitators. No civilian and no allies. It was all done very clean. We detained 34 more, they will be tried accordingly. We were able to retrieve 50 children and approximately 23 adults that were being held against their will. I approximate because there were some that probably won't make it." Zac said. His tone had been surprisingly gentle when discussing the victims.

~Were they being forced to...~ I couldn't say it. I felt sick just knowing that I had waited so long to tell Silas my story. I was the reason some of those people wouldn't make it. If they were being treated as I had been...

Zac's eyes widened and he looked over at Logan. Logan tilted his head toward me. A silent command to answer my question. Logan didn't seem at all surprised by my ability to mind link with them. 

"From what we know the children were being trained. The adults were being bred. Some were artificially inseminated, some raped, and some were just being tested on. We're still trying to determine what the testing was for." Zac said.

~What were the kids being trained for? ~ I asked.

"To be Warrior wolves. In most cases you have to have the correct bloodline AND training to reach your full potential as a Warrior wolf." Logan said.

~How do you know all this?~ I asked.

"The same reason Silas does." Logan shrugged. 

My brow furrowed as I looked up at Logan. Silas knew all of this stuff about Warrior wolves and kings because Devlin had forced him to learn. Maybe that's what Logan was saying. He knew the same way Silas did because he had been taken just like Silas had. That also meant...

~So you and Silas are both Warrior Wolves?~ I asked.

"Not exactly." Logan said.

"There's no way to know what your title is, for sure, until the king gives you a mark." Zac shrugged. "If the kings never born then nothing will change. Logan and Silas will just continue to be ridiculously strong Alpha's."

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