Part 14

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Matthew released me. There was no seventy-two hour hold or discussion of reinstating my medication. Silas had simply given him a look and I was released.

I had decided on taking a quick shower. I couldn't force myself to go into the bathroom where I had almost died less than twenty-four hours ago so I opted for using Silas' shower instead. The bathroom was smaller and I hadn't been back in there since the surgery. My mind was so scattered I rushed through the shower and completely forgot to condition and shave. I was already out and half way dry before I remembered. I decided against getting back in. I wanted to hurry before someone came looking for me.

I glanced around the small bathroom and quickly realized I hadn't grabbed any clean clothes to put on. I looked up at the bathroom door as if I could see through to the other side. I wondered if anyone was out there or in the hallway. Would I make it to my room without crossing paths with anyone? Drake knew better than to risk coming in to Silas room but Silas on the other hand... I wasn't ready to face him alone. The look he had given Matthew when he asked for me to be cleared was more than enough to know he wanted to question to me alone. It was only a matter of time.

I took a deep breathe, squared my shoulders, and opened the door. Silas was seated on the bed end of his bed with his head in his hands. He looked up from his hands at me but I quickly diverted my gaze to the door. It was closed. I debated running but I knew there would be no point. If Silas didn't want me to leave yet there was no way I would make it. I moved slowly toward the door. I could feel Silas watching me but he didn't move. I took the last few steps toward the door a little more quickly than I would have liked and I wasted no time in turning the handle to open it. The door opened almost two full inches before I felt Silas move. In a flash he was behind me. He placed his hand on the door, forcing it closed again. I clinched my hand in my towel and held my breath as I waited. Warm tingles danced across my skin as Silas reached up and traced one of the bruises along my back.

"Turn around, Leannan." He said with a sigh. It was a gentle command but a command non the less. He had decided the time for answers was now. The only problem was I wouldn't be giving him any.

I tried the door again. A slight twist and tug. The door didn't even offer a small shift in acknowledgement of my attempt. Silas warm hand wrapped around my arm. I closed my eyes. If he was going to make me turn around the least I could do was deny him the ability to read my emotions.

Silas shifted and I was turned to face him. His hand shifted up, brushing from cheek to chin as he turned my face up toward his. I braced for his command. Ignoring an alpha, your alpha, hurt but it wasn't impossible. I would do it. I couldn't let him see what had really happened and if he asked the right questions I wasn't so sure I could hide the truth.

"Rylan..." He brushed his lips across my cheek. My lips throbbed from the promise of a kiss and my breath caught. My grasp on my towel loosened. I lost focus on anything that wasn't Silas. My towel slipped from my grasp. I gasped and my eyes snapped open. I folded my arms across my bare chest.

Silas looked surprisingly calm as he took in the bruises that I could no longer hide behind the fluffy fabric of my towel. His eyes lingered on the bruise on my chest. The beautiful forest green hardened to jade and when he finally spoke his tone was deadly.

"Who did this?" He touched the dark finger print that still lingered on my chest. I shifted to hold myself with one hand so that I could reply.

'It was just a training accident.' I lied.

"Thomas?" He asked watching me intently.

I shook my head.

"Quinn?" He asked.

'Of course not!' I was insulted that he would even consider that Quinn would do something like this.

"Then who?" Silas asked. "If not someone in my pack, someone you trust, then how else would this have happened?"

Silas shifted, keeping his palm flat against the door and leaning his weight onto his hand. I reached for the towel in his other hand tentatively. He let me pull the towel back and watched as I carefully wrapped it just under my arms again.

'Sweetheart talk to me." Silas pleaded.

I shook my head.

'I don't want to talk to you Silas. I don't even... want to be around you.' I signed.

Silas flinched and I wished my words hadn't been so blunt. It wasn't a lie though. I didn't want to be around Silas. The closer we were the more his rejection hurt.

"If you won't tell me who is hurting you then you leave me no choice." He said. "I can't trust anyone to be alone with you. Which means I'm going to be with you every second of everyday until this is resolved." He sounded serious but there was no way he could actually do that.

'How?' I signed.

Silas tilted his head as he looked at me. He didn't understand my question.

'You dumped me because you can't stand to be around me. How has that suddenly changed?' I signed.

Silas lips parted and he shook his head.

"We separated because intimate contact with me puts you at risk of dying." He said.

I scoffed and shook my head.

'So because we couldn't be physical that was it for you. Apparently, Thomas isn't the only one that lets sex define his level of commitment to a relationship.' I signed.

Silas mouth dropped and he took a step back from me.

"You really think that?" He asked. He rubbed at his chest like I had hit him. I took the opportunity to turn back to the door. Before I could pull it open Silas hand had returned. The door wouldn't budge.

"Matthew said we couldn't have any physical contact at all, not just sexual, and that we couldn't even spend more than 10 minutes in the same room. He said that we literally could not be together BUT that you could be with anyone else... I was trying to give you the chance to find someone else, someone that you could be happy with and actually be around." He said.

'That wasn't your decision to make.' I signed without turning around.

"Maybe not but I see no other decisions if they put your life in jeopardy." He said.

'So let me out.' I signed. If he was still so certain that my life was in danger then there was no way he could spend every second with me. It was too big of a risk. It put me in danger.

"Matthew has already agreed to run regular tests. If your hormones spike again we will figure something else out but for now you're official on a seventy-two-hour hold and you are not leaving my side for the next three days." He said.  

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