Part 5

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I hadn't done anything. I wouldn't. I hadn't wanted too. I trembled harder. The thought of Silas furious with me made me want to die. Aarons arms tightened around me in reassurance.

"I just... I just..." Thomas stuttered out.

"Just what?" Silas tone was lethal but it wasn't directed at me. He wasn't yelling at me. This realization did nothing to ease my pain or my tears. " Just thought you could make her feel something for you? You're an idiot."

"You don't understand Alpha. She's... I think she's my mate..." Thomas croaked.

"No." Silas tone had a finality that even I didn't want to question. "She is NOT your anything. She feels NOTHING for you."

"Sometimes humans-" Thomas started but Silas cut him off.

"SHE IS NOT YOURS..." I cringed again. I'd never heard Silas yell like this. I felt like it was all my fault. I had done this somehow. I couldn't catch my breath between the racking sobs. I was drowning in tears. Silas took a deep breath. When he spoke again all the previous signs of anger had vanished. "She receives her mates signals perfectly. She said no. Touch her again and I will break your hands."

I felt the air shift. A sudden warmth at the back of my neck sent a soothing wave through me and I sucked in a shaky breath. Fingers moved in my hair rubbing away the linger pain from the memory. I closed my eyes focusing on the relief instead of what had just happened. I tried to focus on stopping the sobbing tears. Aaron shifted releasing me and I was lifted. The pleasant warmth surrounded me. My tears slowed and my short painful breaths came easier. My breathing slowed. I was able to take calming deep breaths. The fresh pine scent clouded my nose and shoved away the edges of my panic attack.

"Silas is being reasonable because he is your alpha but make no mistake Thomas; touch my sister like that again and I'll kill you." Aaron said. He spoke low enough that I wouldn't have been able to hear him if the ringing in my ears hadn't subsided. I tensed again. I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Thomas was being a jerk but he didn't deserve to be broken or killed because I over reacted.

"Ignore him. Just focus on breathing..." Silas whispered to me. I forced my eyes open. As soothing as it was to be this close to him I couldn't do this. I couldn't rely on him for my panic attacks. I took one last deep breath, enjoying the forest scent, before pushing away from Silas. He was seated on the edge of the porch with me in his lap so it was easy to crawl away. I sat back against the opposite railing. Silas watched me. He looked unsure of what he should do.

"Take it ease Ry." He asked.

I shook my head.

'You can't do this...' I signed.

Silas tilted his head and I shook mine. He didn't understand what I was talking about. Unbelievable.

'You can't care one minute and then go back to not caring the next.' I signed. My eyes stung with a new wave tears. It wasn't fair that he could be so oblivious to all of this. It was like he could just turn it on and off when ever he wanted. I couldn't do that. I wanted to do that too. I wanted to find someone else the way he had. I wanted to be that girl that got to kiss him.

"Just because we can't be together does not mean I stopped caring about you." Silas said. There it was again. We couldn't be together. He didn't want me.

'Could have fooled me...' I signed rolling my eyes and shaking my head. I held back the sadness that gripped my insides and pulled on my anger as best I could. If he was done with me, truly done with me, then I wasn't about to let him see how much that hurt.

"Is that why you went out here with him? To see if I cared?" Silas asked.

I shook my head. I didn't come out here with Thomas. I had come out here to breathe after I saw some girl trying to kiss him. I couldn't believe he was accusing me of something so ridiculous. If that's what he really thought then so be it. It made it that much easier to shove my anger to the surface.

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