Part 9

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Matthew shook his head as he looked at the last of the test results. Every test he'd run came back normal. There were no signs that I was sick except for the symptoms I had basically lied about to cover up my fainting spell in the kitchen.

'Maybe it would be best if Amelia stayed with Emily for a few days? Just while we see if this turns into something.' I signed. It was the only way I would know that Amelia would be safe from Drake.

"I'm ok with that and I don't think Aaron would mind." Emily said.

"That's probably a good idea. I think I want you to take a day or two off and rest as well." Matthew said. "That means no training or heavy exercises for a little while."

I nodded. It was more of an acknowledgement than agreement but Matthew couldn't tell either way.

I tried to rest like Matthew said but resting and relaxing weren't the same thing for me. I ended up in the down stair's gym. I was too wound up with everything going on to relax without some form of exercise. I was just starting to clear my head when I heard the gym door close. We weren't supposed to close it. With the gym being sound proof, no one would be able to hear you if you needed help. I turned to see who had accidently closed it. My heart skittered to a stop and my breath caught.

"Allie." Drake smiled.

I took a small step back but I knew there was no where to go. Not only was he leaning against the exit but he had made the entire room soundproof by closing that door. He laughed softly. Goose bumps rose on my arms.

"Did you know your new Alpha is in charge of a radical group that intends to over throw the council?" Drake asked slowly walking toward me.

I shook my head and backed up. He was wrong. I didn't even consider his words. Silas would never do that and Io had to focus. If I could wait just a few more steps I might be able to run past him to the door.

"Don't lie to me Allie. I saw how intimate your relationship is with him. If anyone here knows about this alliance group it's you. And you're going to tell me." He said with a few more steps.

I took my opportunity and made a run for it. I hadn't really expected to make it to the door but I had hoped that I would at least be closer so I could try again later. Instead he caught my arm in a harsh grip and slammed me back into the wall closest to where I had been. The force of the blow knocked the air out of me and my head struck the cement hard. My vision flickered but I managed to stay conscious despite the pain radiating from my head.

"I asked you a question and I want an honest answer." Drake growled.

I shook my head. I couldn't answer him and I didn't know anything about the group in question. I hadn't asked Silas about a radical group and it wasn't something that would come up in casual conversation. Drake's hand tightened on my arm. I bit my cheek. If he squeezed like that again I was certain he would break my arm.

"This is your last warning. Answer me." He said.

I shook my head again. Drake jerked my arm and shoved me down. He shifted and kicked me. I tried to curl up and protect my internal organs but that left the rest of my body vulnerable to his harsh kicks. My side, my back, and my hip ached from his assault. I didn't move even after he stopped kicking. I could feel him standing over me. Waiting. When he was sure I wasn't going to try anything he knelt down and grabbed a handful of my hair.

"I'd forgotten about this." He tilted my head back roughly and traced the scar on my throat. "You still can't make a fucking sound can you?"

I dug my nails into his arm. I'd hoped the pain would make him let go but instead he growled and caught both my wrists.

"Easy Angel. I'm angry enough that you left without a good bye." He said shifting my wrists to one hand, his other hand lid down to my breast and he squeezed hard. "There's no telling what I might do if you really piss me off." He shifted his hand down between my legs. My vision flickered and my breathing stopped as a panic attack took over.

"No..." Drake growled shoving me away. I rolled slightly and tried to tuck my head between my knees to breath easier.

"Don't you dare pass out. I'm not done speaking to you." He said watching me as I struggled to breathe. I forced myself to count. Drake waited. Once I was able to force a few small breaths in and out Drake moved forward again.

"Now, you're going to listen very carefully and do as you're told so that no one else gets hurt." He said crouching down next to me. "If you don't you can be sure that that Alpha of yours is as good as dead."

I gulped and nodded. I already knew this and I knew there was no way I would risk Silas life. 

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