Chapter 3

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Four week time skip, Y/n pov

It's been weeks after my that fight I joined ruby with. Right now I'm in vale buying groceries and things. Sure I get stares most of the time but I'm used to it.

Cashier: ok sir that will be 12.59

I reach in my pocket and pulled out "my" wallet. I pulled out a twenty and gave it to him.

Cashier: ok out of twenty and your change is 7 lien and 41 cents.

He hand me the change.

Cashier: would you like a receipt for that?

Y/n: no no thank you.

Cashier: ok have a great day.

You leave a tip and walk out the store with a grocery bag. I look inside and make sure I have everything.

Y/n: I wonder what ruby is doing right now?

A/n pov

He starts to walk down the street but as he's walking he sees familiar colors in the distance.

Y/n's thoughts: shit its them.

He sees ruby and is happy but he looks and sees she's with a small group. He squints and see white black and.

Y/n: *venom* yang...

He turns around and walks but as he's walking he hears far behind him.

Ruby: there he is!

He turns his head and sees ruby pointing at him. As the other girls look at him.

Y/n: shit!

He starts running into a over crowded area while moving through everyone.

Ruby: wait come back.

They chase after him. They reach the spot he was standing at and they look into the crowd.

Yang: I don't see him.

Ruby: me neither, Weiss?

Weiss: nope, blake?

Blake: he's heading for that alleyway.

She points toward you running into a alleyway. They then run through the crowd and reach into the alleyway only to see an empty alleyway.

Ruby: what the- where is he?

Yang: I don't know he should be here.

While they were all trying to find you a crumbled piece of paper falls in front of Blake. She grabs it and opens it.

Blake: um guys...

Yang: what?

She shows them the paper and it read.

"dear girls who I have never meet please leave me alone or else"

Ruby: where did you get that?

I'll show them.... (abused male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now