Chapter 10

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I'm looking at Ozina as she squints her eyes at us

Ozina: what do you mean?

Y/n: we'll show you.

I looked back and saw the girls taking of their head gear. Maya took of her fedora and glasses revealing her black fur and red eyes. Camilia brought down her hood and took off her hat and sunglasses to reveal her green scales and yellow eyes. Ness lowered her mask and took of her hood to show her turquoise scales. I look back at Ozina and see her eyes slightly widen.

Ozina: so you are real..... the moth woman...

She turns her head to maya as she nervously rubs her arm.

Maya: yeah...

Ozina turns her head to camilia.

Ozina: the chupacabra...

Camilia: that's me.

She then finally turns her head to ness.

Ozina: and the lochness monster.

Ness: hello.

She said each of their of their legend names and then she looked at me.

Ozina: but...y/n... what are you?

Y/n: heh....well just letting you know now you might not like it.

She raised and eyebrow as I reach for my eye patch. I close my right eye and take of the eye patch. Then I reach for my mask and lower it onto my neck. I then close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Y/n: *deep breath* *exhale*

I open my both my eyes and see Ozina's eyes widen. Probably because of how my eye looks different.

Y/n: you ready?

She is still stunned but I see her nod her head.

Y/n: okay...*deep breath*


Y/n raises his arms to his arms as Ozina keeps staring. The other girls then walk over by her desk and watched. They all stayed quiet...............Then out of a sudden the silence was disrupted by bones poping and snapping.



Ozina's eyes widen as she looked at y/n legs and sees them start to bend and extend in length ,ripping his pants in the process. Then his arms started to grow longer and skinner , ripping the sleeves on his shirt. His hand grew into sharper claws. His torso became skinnier and more extended, also roping his shirt. Then finally his head started to transform. He grew antlers out of his head, his skin went pale and face extended into that of a deers skull. Then his eyes started to get hollow. The transformation was complete. He lowered his his arms and looked at Ozina.

She was surprised and freightened at the same time. Y/n was half the size taller then his human form.

I'll show them.... (abused male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now