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It has been a long day at work. None of the research is going as plan. Every time Caitlin thinks she moves one step forward, she ends up taking two steps back. . It has been an on-going issue for the past month and is slowly taking its toll on her. She sits in her car, her head leaning back as she gives a heavy sigh of frustration. I just can't catch a break, she thought to herself. She bites her lip as she looks over at her home before finally deciding to go inside.

She knocks on the dark red door with her hands full, hoping her husband will answer the door. She did not want to fish her keys out of her purse; she no longer has the patience for that. As a few minutes pass, she groans in frustration. "Typical," she murmurs as she juggles to look for her keys. Just as they were in reach, the door opens to reveal her husband of two years. She places her hand on her hips, "What took you so long?"

"I was busy Cait. Don't you have your keys?" Barry snaps as he rubs his eyes.

She rolls her eyes, "Obviously" as she shows him.

"Then why didn't you just open the door?"

"Seriously Barry," she snaps, making emphasis on her full hands.

As the tiredness washes away from his eyes, he gives her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Cait, can I help you?"

She gives a slight nod, acknowledging him, "That would be nice, thanks."

He grabs her things and places them in their front closet. He turns to face her to bring her into a tight hug. "How was your day?"

She wraps her arms around him as she relaxes into his frame. "Long," she mumbles as she buries her face into his chest. "Yours?"

"Long," he chuckles then kisses the top of her head. He lets go of their embrace to head back into the living room where he is working on a new case. Papers are all over the floor and files have taken over the couch. He sits back down on the only open spot and continues working. "I ordered pizza for dinner."

Caitlin smiles as she removes her heels for slight relief. The word pizza bringing her a new sense of joy. "I could have cooked, you know?"

"Yeah, but take out is faster" Barry slightly yells from the living room.

Caitlin smiles and shakes her head. She walks over wanting to sit and relax on the couch with him. When the mess comes into view, she groans in frustration. "Why do you keep bringing your work home with you! Look at this mess!" she whines.

"Because it's my job, Cait!"

"Isn't that why you have an office to keep all your crap in. You don't see me bringing my work home with me."

"No, sadly you just bring that bitchy attitude home with you." He snaps as he continues looking over files.

Caitlin huffs, "My attitude is a reflection of you, asshole."

Barry looks up at her, "I'm the asshole? Really Cait?" He gets up from his seat and walks towards her. "Last time I check, I'm not the one coming home like I'm angry at the world all the time and taking it out on you. I'm not the one with the annoying voice ordering you around. And I'm most definitely not the one putting my needs and wants first without a care on how you are feeling." He scoffs, looking down at the floor and shakes his head, "Honestly at this rate Cait, it's no wonder your other relationship didn't work out. He got out while he still could."

Caitlin crosses her arms and glares at him in disgust. "Get out," she growls. "Get the hell out! I can't even look at you right now!"

He looks over at her and sees the hatred in her eyes. What the hell happened to us? He thought. We used to be so happy and in love. Yes, we brought frustration of work home before but, never like this. We help each other out, work things out together, and at the end of the night cuddle in bed. But now, the past month and a half has been nothing but anger, yelling, annoyance, and frustration.

Barry fills with regret, knowing the pain his comment has cause. He starts to walk over to his wife to take back those words back. "I'm sorry Cait-" he reaches for her but, she moves away from his touch.

"Don't touch me, Bartholomew!"

He flinches at the mention of his full name. "I told you I hate it when you call me that."

"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt your little feelings," she scoffs and crosses her arms. "Since you know, I have a bitchy attitude and all."

"As long as you know it." he snaps back.

"Get the hell out! I can't believe I even married you!" She screams as she walks to the front door and opens it wide for Barry to leave.

"And where the hell am I suppose to go?"

"I don't give a damn! Figure it out for yourself. Now get out." She points out the door, waiting for him to leave. Barry shakes his head, grabs his keys and wallet, and leaves without looking back. He slams his car door and drives off. Caitlin watches his car disappear and feels her knees give out from under her. She wraps her arms around herself and lets out a silent scream.

"What's wrong with me..." she whispers to herself. Tears begin to form in her eyes, and it becomes hard to breathe. I have never been like this, she thought as she runs her hand through her hair. Yes, I can be snippy but, never like this. It's like I'm a completely different person. It makes me sick. At that moment, she feels this burning sensation in her throat and runs to the bathroom. She wipes her mouth as the nausea disappears and sits on the bathroom floor, crying, and wishing Barry was here to wrap her up in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Barry..." she breathes as a tear falls down her cheek.

As for Barry, he is driving around, trying to figure out where to go. He shakes his head in frustration and pulls over on the side of the road. He runs his fingers through his hair and hits the steering wheel. "Why did you have to open your damn mouth Barry!" He wants to go home; he wants Caitlin. He knows they can work through this just like everything else they have face. He goes to grab his phone to call her when he realizes he forgot to get it. "Damn it," he sighs as he rests his head on the headrest. "Maybe it's a sign, to give each other space..."

"Hey, are you okay?"

Barry looks to his left to see a woman standing outside, knocking on his driver window. He pulls the window down and gives a half-smile. "Hi, don't worry I just stopped for a breather... wait, Iris?"

"Barry? Oh my gosh, how have you been? I mean aside from being on the side of the road," she giggled.

He chuckles, "Yeah, I've been good. I mean I've had better days but, hey I'm still alive."

"Same old Barry Allen. Nice to know he hasn't changed over the years."

"Hey!" He smiles, "Well, how have you been Miss Iris? Same old, same old?"

She shakes her head in amusement. "I've been good. Try to help lonely strangers on the side of the road every now and again."

"Thanks for the check-up," his smile slightly fades. "I just didn't have anywhere to go."

Iris scrunches her eyebrows, "What do you mean? Don't you have a place to stay?"

Barry scratches the back of his neck and swallows some saliva. "I do, it's just... my wife and I got into an argument and well... she threw me out of the house and now... I don't nowhere to go."

"Oh, Barr I'm so sorry! If I can be any help, you are more than welcome at my place."

"Oh no! I can't impose on you like that."

"Barry, we were best friends once upon a time ago. Please, I insist." Iris pushes. "You can follow me back to my place."

He sat there thinking about Iris' offer. It will only be for one night and tomorrow I can patch things up with Caitlin. We need some space to cool our heads. This can be good for me. He smiles at Iris, "Okay, but just this one time."

Iris smiles back, "Of course!"

Broken TogetherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon