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The scene is a blur in Barry's mind. He screams Caitlin's name as he lightly shakes her seeing she is unconscious. Not long the paramedics are being led into the room as Felicity explains the events and Caitlin's current state - being pregnant. They check for a pulse - it is light and put her on a gurney as they rush back to their vehicle. Barry stays close by to ride with her to the hospital but before he can get on an arm holds him back.

"Please, let me go with her. I made this mess; I need to fix it," Oliver begs with guilt staining his eyes.

Barry shakes his head and pulls away from his grasp. "She is my wife and that is my child in danger right now. You can meet us there," he snaps, feeling nothing but anger and hate for the man in front of him. He gives a nod to Felicity, as she stood behind her husband, then proceeds into the vehicle. 

The doors shut then the race to the hospital begins. The paramedics place a jelly-like substance on Caitlin's stomach as they listen for a heartbeat of the growing baby. Barry silences out the noise as he looks at his wife's pale face. He reaches over to wipe some hair away then caresses her face. "You are going to be okay Cait. You are so strong - stronger than me," he lightly chuckles before the tears begin to form in his eyes. "I need you to fight for us one more time, okay? For our baby, okay?" he chokes then feels a tear escape his eye and tries to wipe it away. 

At that moment, the sound of a faint heartbeat echoes the vehicle. Barry looks over at the paramedics as a smile of relief fills their faces. They look over at him and nod, "We got a heartbeat! We have a fighter on our hands," Hen, one of the paramedics, smiles, and pats him on the shoulder.

Barry lets out a breath, he didn't realize he had been holding in. "Oh thank you God!" he cries then kisses Caitlin's forehead. "You hear that Cait?" he smiles, "Our baby is okay." The word baby, ringing in his ears. He couldn't believe it. They are going to have a baby. The smile on his face widens as he can finally enjoy the big news. "Our baby is okay," he echoes as he sits back taking in the information. 

As they arrive, Caitlin is being rushed away behind a set of double doors while Barry is being escorted to the waiting room. He takes a seat in the back, slumming into the chair as the adrenaline starts to wear off and his lack of sleep catches up to him. His eyelids flutter as he tries to fight off his sleep. Before he knows it, sleep conquers over him and he falls asleep, leaning on his hand with the support from the armchair. A sweet dream fills his mind - a hopeful future.

Barry is just getting home from work. The smell of dinner cooking from the kitchen hits his nose as he walks through the front door. A smile instantly grows on his face as he sets his things in the front closet. Before he heads into the kitchen, he is tackled by small arms wrapping themselves around his legs.

"Hey buddy!" he laughs as he looks down at his son, ruffling his hair. "Did you miss me?" he asks as he lifts him up into his arms, resting his son on his hip. "You are getting too heavy, for daddy to carry you," he laughs.

The little boy wraps his arm around his father's neck with a giggle on his face. "How was work? Did you get the bad guys?" he asks as he turns his head to the side.

"You bet! I locked them up and threw away the key," Barry chuckles as his son rolls his eyes at him. "What's your mom making for dinner?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Not sure, but it smells delicious!" 

Barry chuckles, "You got that right." 

The pair walks into the kitchen to see two figures, giggling as they finish a dish. The sight of his wife and daughter makes his smile widen instantly. He wanted to capture the moment in his mind forever but his presence was made by the kid in his arms. 

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