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The room is still. The sounds of the machines mix with Barry's breathing as he sits back in the chair watching his wife sleep. Seeing her chest rise and fall gives him a sense of peace but, the setting tugs at his heart. Minutes have turn into hours and there has been no sign of his sleeping beauty waking anytime soon. He rubs his hands over his face to wipe away any sleep that dares to linger. He wants to be awake when she finally opens her eyes. He wants to hear her voice, see her beautiful eyes stare back at him, but most importantly hold her knowing everything is okay. 

Right now, it's has been touch and go. Nurses have been in and out of the room when the machines start acting crazy or there is a drop in the baby's heart rate. The worry and lack of sleep are starting to get to him but, he continues to shake it off. He leans forward in his seat, elbows on his knees as he plays with his hands, as he lets out a heavy breath. 

At that moment, a knock on the door turns Barry's attention away to see the doctor from before. "Any progress?" the doctor asks as he slowly walks into the room, looking over at Caitlin sleeping.

Barry shakes his head before standing up to face the man, "Not really, everything seems to be like it was an hour and a half ago." He looks over his shoulder to glaze at Caitlin with a half-smile then looks back at the doctor as the smile turns into a frown. "Are you sure she is okay doc? I'm concerned," his voice cracks as he tries to hold back his emotion.

A sigh leaves the doctor's lips as he places a hand on the end of the hospital bed. "As I said before, her stress levels were extremely high. Her body is just trying to replenish itself from it. Has she been sleeping okay? Any issues or concerns that may have caused this?"

Barry stuffs his hands in his jean pockets as he looks down in shame. He bites his lip, trying to find a way to answer the questions but only finds the truth his best answer. He rubs the back of his neck before looking at the doctor. "Yeah, me" he bitterly chuckles as he shakes his head. He looks back at his wife as a tear slips out his eye. "I caused this," he sighs.

The doctor reaches out and places his hand on Barry's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Every marriage has its problems and issues but, what matters is how you face those issues." Barry looks over at the doctor and nods his head. "From what I can see, she's a fighter and so are you."

"What makes you say that Dr. Diaz?" Barry arches his eyebrows with a light scoff, at the doctor's comment of himself.

A chuckle leaves his lips, "You have been here. I've seen you struggling to stay awake and I heard your argument with your brother-in-law." The doctor notices the color drain from Barry's face and lets out a soft laugh. "It showed character, Mr. Allen. Nothing to be ashamed of; it's quite admirable - remind me of myself, to be honest."

"You're married?" Barry asks as he tilts his head.

"Something like that," a smile on the doctor's face. Suddenly his phone goes off and gives Barry an apologetic look. "Speak of the devil," he chuckles. "I got to take this, it's probably about my son."

As the doctor starts to walk away, Barry stops him with a question. "What's it like? Being a father?" he voice stuttering as nerves take over his body.

The doctor looks over his shoulder at Barry with a smile, "The greatest feeling in the world. When you hold that baby in your arms for the first time, you'll understand." He gives Barry a nod before walking out answering the call. "Hey Buck, is everything okay with Christopher?"

Barry smiles at the man then turns on his heels to head back to his spot, next to Caitlin. He scoots the chair closer to her bed and intertwines her hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze, before placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "I can't wait to hold our child in my arms," he whispers as he places their join hands against his cheek with a smile. "I can't wait to start our life as a family together." He watches her as she continues to respond with silence. He starts to blink fast to hold back the water starting to build in his eyes. "I'm sorry Cait for putting you and our child in this position," he sighs. "I know we were on better terms before this incident but, I was the cause to get to this point. You deserve so much better," he gives her hand another tight squeeze before burying his face into his foreman. "You both do," he whispers, closing his eyes tight.

Broken TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora