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Star City seems to have changed over the past few years. The streets are quieter, there is a slight chill breeze in the air, and the sun is hidden away. Barry shoves his hands in his pockets for warmth as he continues his walk to a specific destination. He lets out a shaky breath with each step. These past two weeks have taken a toll on him - missing a piece of his heart. The mere thought of her causes tears to build up in his eyes. He blinks hard to hold them and whispers under his breath, 

"I miss you Cait." He sighs and lets out a slight prayer, "Please come home with me today.

He lifts his head up as the cafe came into view. He swallows invisible saliva and takes a deep breath before he jogs over to the entrance. A bell rings to announce his arrival and he scans the area quickly, looking for his love. He frowns as he comes up empty and flags a waiter down.

"Excuse me, has a... a Caitlin Queen come in?" Barry stutters as he runs his fingers through his hair. As the waiter shakes his head, Barry feels his heart tighten.

"No sir, I'm sorry but please, feel free to sit at any of the empty tables."

Barry nods his head and walks over to a secluded booth. He slides in and immediately buries his face in his hands. The bell rings and he quickly looks over at the door but, frowns to see a young teenage couple enter. He shakes his head and leans his head back, looking up at the ceiling as tears burn his cheeks. 

"I need you Cait... I need you back baby," he mumbles under his breath as he closes his eyes.

The bell rings again, but this time Barry remains still, lost in his thoughts. A familiar blonde walks through the doors and is greeted by the staff. She smiles and waves at the owner when a waiter taps her shoulder.

"Hey, Felicity I don't want to alarm you but that man over there was asking for Caitlin. I've never seen him before and thought I would let you know, for her protection."

She smiles at the young man, "Thanks, I'm actually here to see him. He's an old friend of Caitlin's." The waiter smiles and gets back to work. Felicity slowly walks over to her friend and observes him. She notices the tear-stained cheeks, his growing facial hair washing away his baby face, and his used-to-be full-face shrunken from what she can only assume is from lack of eating. She crosses her arms and leans against the other side of the booth. 

"I haven't seen you this exhausted since fall senior semester." Her voice snaps him awake and he stares at her in awe. "You look like shit," she giggles as she slips into her seat across from him.

"Felicity? What are you doing here? I thought-"

She gives him a look, "What? You thought Caitlin was going to be here?" She gives a slight scoff. "Boy, if you are ever going to see her, you know you have to get through me, right?" She crosses her arms and leans back in her seat as the waiter comes by.

"Can I get you guys anything?"

"I would like a water," she smiles and turns to Barry, "Barry?"

"Um, I'll have the same," he half-smiles at the guy, "Thanks."

Felicity eyes Barry then looks back at the waiter, "Can you also bring my friend here a coffee. Along with a Queen special," she adds with a smile as the waiter nods and walks away. 

"You didn't have to do," Barry snaps.

She arches her eyebrow, "Really? Cause you look like you haven't eaten for days. When was the last time you had a decent meal?" He ignores her stares as he looks at his hands. She lets out a heavy sigh and licks her teeth. "When was the last time you slept? Let alone take care of yourself?" He continues to ignore her questions and her patience starts to wear thin. "This isn't the Barry I know, then again the Barry I know would have never cheated on his wife -"

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