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[Five years later]

A slight breeze is in the air. Cooling the heat that comes with radiate sun from above. Clouds rolling in every now and again making it the perfect summer day. It is comfortable - enjoyable. Caitlin lays back on a beach chair, a book in hand, as the sounds and smells of the ocean fill her senses. It's a peaceful moment.

Soon her ears pick up on a  familiar sound of laughter and giggles. She peeks over her sunglasses to see two little figures running towards her.

"Mommy!" a little girl shrieks while trying to catch her breath. "You have to come into the water!"

"Yeah, mommy!" Henry echoes. "Come play with us please," he begs with puppy dog eyes that resemble his father.

Before she can answer, a chuckle catches her attention. "Guys, you need to leave mommy alone. She's busy reading," he winks in her direction as she rolls her eyes under her shades.

The kids start to whine making her giggle and giving in to their demands. "Some time in the water won't hurt. Besides I can always read later, right Hunny?" she smirks, sliding a bookmark into place.

Cheers erupt and the kids run back into the water, splashing and kicking with the coming waves. Barry extends his hand to help her up and instantly wraps his arms around her. He arches his eyebrow, in amusement, "How is it, that you can never say no to those faces but say no to this face?" A playful pout on his face.

Caitlin giggles, swatting his chest. "Last time I checked, Henry had the better puppy dog face with Amara a close second," she winks, escaping his arms and walking towards the kids.

"Excuse me," he scoffs running after her and wrapping his arms around her waist to lift her.

"Barry!" she squeals with laughter, grasping his arms for security. "Put me down!" she continues to laugh.

He smirks and starts running with her in his arms. "What? I can't hear?" he chuckles as the water collides with his shins.

"Don't you dare Bartholomew!" she gasps with the water touching her feet. Reading his mind, she holds onto him for dear life. "Don't drop me!"

"What? Drop you? If you insist," he smirks about to release his hold.

"Don't you hurt my mommy!" Henry snaps, standing with his hands on his hips. 

Caitlin can't help but giggle at her little man. He may be five years old, but he continues to always be mommy's protector. After his birth, he was quick to show signs of being a mommy's boy early on. He would cry anytime Barry would kiss her on the lips. If mommy was around he only wanted her to hold him. Then one night, when he was about one or two, they were on the couch watching a movie, Henry on her lap, and Barry takes her hand in his. Henry made it a point to show he did not like that; pushing Barry's hand away and replacing it with his in her grasp. Oh and don't get her started on whenever Barry hugs her from behind or tickles her, Henry has a field day. 

She turns her head to look at Barry with a smirk, "I would listen to your son."

He laughs, "Buddy am only playing with your mommy. No harm here, I promise."

Henry crosses his arms, watching Barry until he put Caitlin down properly. When he sees she is safe, with her feet on the ground, he smiles then goes back to play with his sister.

The pair laughs, holding each other close. Caitlin looks up into his eyes as he smiles down on her. 

"You know, sometimes I think he is my personal karma, or is that just me?" he lightly laughs.

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