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Barry's eyes slowly open at the sound of his name. "Allen?" the voice calls a bit louder. He decides to look over his shoulder and clicks his lips at the sight of the person in his office. He looks away and tries to find some comfort on his small couch. He didn't feel like talking to anyone but, most especially he did not want to talk to Eddie. "Allen," he calls again but this time hovering over him while giving him a slight shove.

"What the hell do you want," Barry growls as he shoves Eddie's hands away. Can he not tell he was not in the mood to talk.

"Did you sleep here all night? What happened to telling Caitlin?" 

Hearing her name made Barry cringe as he shut his eyes tightly. He felt his heart break even more as memories of their fight flood his mind. He feels torn on whether to cry or to punch him - again. "Don't..." he whispers as he shakes his head, "don't say her name..."

Eddie cocks his head as his eyebrows scrunch in confusion, "What happened Allen?"

"She found out! That's what happened!" Barry snaps as he sits up to face him. Anger fills his features, but his eyes contain sadness - heartbreak written all over him. He notices Eddie's still demeanor and rolls his eyes, "You were right... Caitlin does deserve better." 

Eddie watches Barry bury his face into hands, "So that's it? You're just going to accept it."

Barry snaps his head at him back, "What else am I supposed to do? My wife kicked me out of our house and more than likely her life." He pulls himself to his feet and inches closer to Eddie as he continues his rant. "I lost the best thing that has ever walked into my life, all because of one stupid night."

Eddie crosses his arms, "So you're giving up, huh? On the best thing that has ever been in your life."

"Are you not listening to me?!?" Barry's yells as he runs his fingers through his hair, out of frustration. "I lost! It's game over for me."

Eddie clicks his lips and shakes his head, "I thought you were different Allen. I thought you would be fight to get your wife back." Barry's features soften as Eddie's words shake him. "Not sitting here moping. I understand how Caitlin feels finding out the love of your life cheated. I get it. I also know that now is the time to prove not only worth but your trust for her." Eddie places his hand on Barry's shoulder, "It's time to start the game over, learn from the mistakes, and fight to get what you want." 

Barry nods his head as a new set of strength begins to form inside of him. He gives Eddie a soft smile and pats the hand on his shoulder, "Thank you for waking me up."

Eddie retrieves his hand and gives him a single nod before walking out. Before he passes the threshold, he turns on his heels, "Last thing," Barry looks over him, "Do you still love her?"

His face scrunches for a minute, confuse why he would ask such a question but quickly answers, "Until the end of time."

A smile appears on Eddie's face and points at him, "There, there is the Allen I saw yesterday. Use that fire to win her back." Barry smiles back and nods at him. "I wish you best, just don't screw it up," he half smirks as he walks away.

Barry shakes his head in slight amusement, but want matters is this fire in his belly - the encouragement to fight for what he want, for Caitlin. He grabs his keys and flashes to his car to begin the drive back to their house. Before beginning, he checks his phone for any messages from her. The device greets him with a clear lock screen and he give a small sigh but, looks back to see the wallpaper - a picture of him and Caitlin. A small smile appears on his face as the memory plays back in his head. 

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