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I ran the flat iron through my hair one last time, before walking back over to my bed, laying back down, burying my body in the blanket.

My eyes were read and I was tired. I didn't want to get up and face everyone.

More importantly, I couldn't face Jace.

I haven't been able to look at him since I found out he was my brother. In more technical terms, half brother.

What made me feel even more sick was that it hurt me so much. Jace and I could never happen because of us being related, and that made my heart ache.

I really liked him. It was as if he was my small escape.

But blood calls to blood.

What made me feel even worse was Alec was getting married tomorrow.

Alec Lightwood would be wedded.

Not for his happiness, but to restore the Lightwood name. He was doing it for his family.

He was going to be miserable and lonely for the rest of his life.

And for some reason, that didn't sit well with me.

I swallow hard, these thoughts engraving in my mind, tears filling my eyes.

A knock at my door filled my ears. I don't bother to move, continuing to stare off into the distance.

My door opens, revealing Clary.

She walks in, closing the door with her leg, her arms his behind her back, her voice soft, cracking a small joke, "At least your hair looks good."

I looked at her, not moving, not saying a word.

"I'd offer to take you out for ice cream-" Clary began, "But- we really don't have that option anymore."

I barely smile at her, blinking away my tears.

"Which is why- I found a substitute-" Clary reveals the two slurpees that she was holding behind her back, "I snuck out and got us slurpees."

"You did what?" I sat up instantly, "How the hell did you do that?"

Clary smiles, walking over to me, sitting next to me on the bed.

I continue to bombard her with questions, "Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"I was quick, I promise." She looks at me, "And I didn't get caught."

"Slurpees at 8:30 in the morning?" I put together, then look at the cups in her hands, "Wait, is that blue raspberry-"

"Your favorite." She smiles weakly, handing it to me.

I sipped it, "I feel like drinking this is a bad idea- especially at almost 9 in the morning, but I'm gonna do it anyway."

"How are you doing?" Clary asks me, my thoughts instantly shifting towards Jace.

I set down the slurpee as does she, looking at her, "I don't like what I'm feeling right now."

"And what're you feeling?" Clary puts a hand on my back.

I looked at her, opening up to her, "I feel weird. I mean- I really liked them. I wanted him- and now he's suddenly our brother?-"

Clary wraps an arm around me, pulling me into her side.

"It hurts a lot." I whisper, "I can't even look at him."

Clary wipes away the tears I didn't know fell, hugging me as tight as she could, "You're going to be okay."


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