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I was seated criss cross on the bench with Simon, the sun warm against my tan skin as I held Simon's hand, my eyes glued to the water.

I felt like I was finally coming to terms that Jace and I were siblings and that's all we would ever be.

And although, whatever I had with Simon felt weird because I never thought he would be anything more than my best friend, it felt good to have him.

To have a good stable relationship, and it to be with my best friend.

"Look at us." I looked at Simon, "We're like a normal couple."

"It's funny how normal doesn't even feel normal anymore." Simon stammers, "I'm not even a normal vampire- I'm a freak of vamp nature."

"You are not a freak." My eyebrows furrow, "You're special."

"Don't you think there has to be some sort of downside?" Simon questioned, "My Bubbie Helen always says there are no handouts in life, that everything comes with a price."

I looked away in thought, "Not necessarily-"

Simon stutters, "What if I'm walking to the subway and then next thing I know, I'm a scorch mark on 9th Avenue-"

"Simon, don't think like that-" I sat up, "I mean- there's always something going on- but right now, we're okay- and at peace. So- enjoy it while it lasts."

"Okay- I will." Simon nods, smiling lightly, "Starting right now."

"Okay." I nod back, "Thank you."

Simon leans in and presses his lips into mine for a few moments. I froze for a moment, then kissed back, and my mind was surrounded by my thoughts.

I wished so much that one day I would love him as much as he loved me, and when I kissed him I wouldn't think about anything.

But, right now, that wasn't it.

Suddenly, Jace's voice fills my ears, causing me to break apart from Simon almost instantly with a flinch, "Zee."

"Jace-" I ran a hand through my hair and let in a shaky breath from how he had scared me.

Jace's lips purse, "Sorry-"

"What are you doing here?" I got up, "Is everything ok?"

"Inquisitor Herondale just arrived at the Institute, she wants to speak with us." Jace told me, "Now."

"I- uh, okay." I nod, turning away, grabbing my jacket from the bench.

Simon got up and walked over to him, "Jace, there's something I wanted to tell you. No matter what, your secret's safe with me."

Jace blinks, "What secret?"

"You know, how your pure angelic blood somehow made me immune to the sun." Simon muttered, looking around to make sure no one else heard.

Jace was quick to reply, "You don't know that's what happened."

"What else could it be?" Simon questions, "My point is, if any vampire were to find out, there'd be a bullseye on your carotid artery."

"You have nothing to worry about, I got your back." Simon said, then began to move into him for a hug, "Get in here-"

"Stop it." Jace immediately said, making Simon pull back at his words.

Simon stammers, "I just-"

"No- never." Jace made it clear, this earning a small laugh from me, "Zee, you ready?"

"Yeah." I walked over and gave Simon a hug, "I'll call you later, okay?-"

"Yeah." Simon gave me another kiss, catching me off guard, as I simply nodded and rushed after Jace.

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