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Jace sighs, shutting the book in his hands, "Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book."

"Well, isn't that supposed to have every single rune- to ever- exist?" I got up, putting down the drawing of the sun rune I had used, "I don't understand."

"Some of them are removed." Jace sets the book down, "They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave."

"I can assure you I'm no where near elite, so-" I walked over to him, "Why would I know it?"

"Maybe you saw it somewhere and you don't remember." Jace suggests, shrugging gently.

"Jace- no- I promise- I've never seen it before until then-" I sigh deeply, "It appeared- in front of me, like a vision. Like something- or maybe even someone was trying to send me a message."

I beg the question, "I mean- how do you explain that?"

Jace sighs, "I don't know."

"I'll just go ask Izzy and Alec." I grab the drawing, "They could know something-"

"No- absolutely not." Jace grabbed my arm and stopped me, his touch making my heartbeat accelerate, "If you tell anyone else, they could be in danger, too."

I stare up at him, "How so?"

"The Clave is quick to persecute anyone or anything they don't understand." Jace told me, making me sigh once more.

There was a knock at my bedroom door, my head snapping towards it, "Come in-"

Isabelle slowly walks in, looking between us, "Just wanted to see how Zee was doing- but if I'm interrupting something-"

"Nope-" I pulled my arm from Jace's grasp.

"No-" Jace shook his head, clearing his throat, "Not at all."

Even with our denials, Isabelle had a small smile on her face.

Jace nods towards us, leaving the two of us alone, as I mentally sigh to myself, shoving the sketch of the rune into my sketch book, putting it away.

Isabelle closed the door and walked further into the room, "You holding up okay?"

"I miss her a lot." I admit quietly, sitting on the bed, "I wish I would've just went to Idris with her. It would've made her happy- and we would've left- and she wouldn't have died."

Isabelle sat next to me and grabbed my hand, nodding for me to continue.

"And then there's Luke." I sigh, "He's just vanished."

"Luke'll be fine." She assured me, "And so will you. It just takes time."

"How's Alec?" I quietly questioned, still concerned about him, "Is he okay?"

"I can tell he still feels horrible for what happened to your mom." Isabelle confesses, sighing.

"I never blamed him for it." I admit, "He can't keep blaming himself- I don't like seeing him that way."

"He's strong." Isabelle squeezes my hand in comfort, "He'll heal."

"I see you've healed." My eyes scan her, "I've never stabbed a friend before, so I figure I at least owe you an apology, or-"

"There's no need." Isabelle stopped me, "You destroyed that demon- and besides, I'm all healed up now."

She softly chuckled, then excited crosses her features, "Aldertree cleared me for mission."

"Are the Iron Sisters anything like the Silent Brothers?" I questioned.

"For starters, the Sisters' mouths aren't sewn shut-" Isabelle excitedly told me, "They're badass warriors who create all of our weapons."

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