Chapter 5

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Vanessa's POV

I wonder who it is. I know I never gave someone my number recently. I decide to text them back as I head to the car and Michael starts driving.


Me: Hey, who is this???

Unknown: This is Asher from Calculus class.

Me: Ohh, how did you even get my number?

Asher: Oh, don't worry abt that.

Asher: I don't mean to bring this up again but are you sure you're okay?

Me: Yeah I am, thanks for asking.

Asher: Np. So wyd??

Me: Just finishing up a drama, u?

Asher: That's cool, just laying in bed

Me: Well imma go catch up on some homework. ttyt?

Asher: Sure, gnn Vanessa

Me: Gn

My heart is racing as I type my last message. I hate that I have to lie to him. No one can know that I run a business. Even Emily and Amelia don't know about it. By the way, I'm guessing he opened up my phone when he had it so thank god I had my wallpaper of me with the disguise or it would have ruined everything.  I guess I'm also blushing as well because Michael, my driver smirks at me and asks me, "is it a guy?" I just say, "Maybe..." He just laughs at my answer and continues saying, "Well Miss Vanessa, be careful. Guys are really unpredictable." "Don't worry, he is just a classmate..." I say sadly. "Miss Vanessa don't worry he probably will like you. I mean who wouldn't? You're Vanessa Lee, you have the brains and the beauty." "No Michael, you're wrong... remember I'm just a nerd to him." "Miss Vanessa, I don't know why you just don't reveal yourself, I know you get bullied because of your disguise. There are times that you don't hide your limping that well." I sigh, "Maybe, one day..."

I walked inside my house to find it all dark except for the kitchen where some of the maids are cooking dinner. I decide to take a shower and eat dinner before  I start doing my homework. Luckily for me, I only have a little bit so I won't be up all night. I don't really know how I keep up with it, after all its just one more year of school and I'm off to college. After an hour I finish everything and head to sleep.

The next morning I wake up in a bad mood. I just realized its only Tuesday and the weekend is still too far. I drag myself out of bed, do my normal morning routine and head to school. Once I get to the school doors I see Emily and Amelia waiting for me. "Hi, Vanessa you alright?" they both ask. I reply, "Yeah I am, lets head to class, we can't be late." The three of us head to class and as soon as I enter the classroom I see all the barbies either in their seats gossiping or flirting with the guys. It's so annoying that they don't have anything else to do. I also see something that makes my bad mood go flying out the window and the whole day a lot better. I see Asher looking my way and smiling while sitting beside Noah and Ethan. I return the smile and the girls and I continue walking until a voice stops us "girls, mind sitting with us today?" I turned to see  Emily blushing because Noah just invited us to sit with them. I don't know how we are going to manage this when all of us like them. Amelia, being the most confident right now murmurs a 'sure.'

"Hi, Vanessa," says Asher in his deep voice. I say, "hey" not really trusting my voice. I don't get it! I do interviews, meetings, and more and I can't speak to this boy properly. I should really start having some confidence at school. Asher decided to speak breaking me out of my thoughts. "Vanessa, did you finish yesterday's homework?" "Yeah I did, why?" "Could you possibly teach me how to do it? I really don't want to fail this class." "Sure." After a couple of minutes of explaining Asher how to do the homework, he looks at me and says jokingly, "damn how do you understand this. The teacher barely teaches this class she spends her time mostly crying about no one listening to her. Anyways, thank you, for the help." I just simply laugh and turn my head to look at my friends and see if they are still alive since Noah and Ethan began talking to them once we sat down. I encounter two best friends and two jocks smirking at me. I guess I can't really hide my feelings towards him that well.

Throughout the lesson, I really try focusing in class but fail miserably because of two reasons. One, I can't ignore the feeling of Tatiana's glare towards me since I sat down by the guys. I try to get myself distracted but the goosebumps I'm getting aren't making it easy. Two, Asher has been poking my shoulder and playing with my hair since the lesson has begun. I tried asking him to stop but he just simply said, "I need to do something to get your attention back to me." Then he gives me a damn smirk. God, this boy was going to be the end of me. 

The class continues until the bell finally rings. I don't know if this is only me but some days it feels like the day is going slower than usual. We all began packing up our things to head to next class and Asher speaks up, "what class do you girls have?" Amelia responds for us saying "AP Physics." "Wow, these girls a way too smart," says Ethan. Amelia starts blushing and turns her face away. "Well let's go, we are dropping you guys off," says Asher. "Oh no! You guys are going to class. You can't be late." I say quickly. Asher and Ethan simply smile and Noah says, "Okay guys you heard angel face lets head to class." I look at Noah confused at the sudden nickname. "What? I just can tell we are going to be really close in the future and I want to have our thing." I just smile at him, he has a great personality and I can see why people love him. He seems to act a little bit like a child, so carefree and is an amazing friend to have. Suddenly I start feeling bad. I remember Emily likes him so I don't know how she reacted to the nickname. 

The boys leave after saying goodbye and we head to class. I ask Emily, "are you mad at me?" "Vanessa! no way, why would I be mad at you." "I don't know I just felt bad." She assures me, "don't worry about me it's okay. After all, we just met today." I guess I can be calm knowing that she isn't mad.

Lunch finally comes and I haven't been this happy in a long time. Even though the food sucks, I'm still willing to eat anything at this point. 

I get my lunch and I'm trying to look for Emily and Amelia before Tatiana finds me. Tatiana doesn't get to bully me during lunch if I sit with them because Amelia is the type of friend that will fight back for you. Emily in the other hand is more like me. We both try to avoid getting into fights at all costs. I'm still trying to find them and these fake glasses are getting on my nerves. They itch like hell. 

I finally find them. All the way at the other side of the cafeteria. To my surprise, it's not where they usually sit. Then I avert my attention to the other three people sitting with them. Three faces that I know too well, Asher, Noah, and Ethan.

Great, guess whos going to have a hard time eating today. 

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