Chapter 22

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He hates me.

He finally meets my gaze and I meet a face with no expression. His eyes show no emotion which adds more pain.

He finally started showing me how he really feels. Now, it's like how we were before we started talking. He had no emotion at all when I would look at him from the crowd. Which mirrors the situation right now. 

I look away knowing that if I keep looking at him, I might do something I would not intend to do.

I walk towards Ethan's car and get into the backseat. I close the door behind me and the sound the door makes as it closes is enough to break everyone off their staring session. Ethan moves first and follows my movements as well. 

"I'll talk with him," Ethan says quietly since it was quiet enough for me to hear. I just nod and look out the window. Fuck, I need to snap out of it. My mood can't be affected by a boy! I feel helpless now. 

Amelia and Emily get into the car quietly as well and no one talks throughout the ride to the grocery store. Once we arrive I decide to put all my emotions towards Asher away. I can't affect the group over my childish emotions.

I get out of the car and begin to head into the grocery store with Amelia and Emily. 

"You good?" asks Amelia.

"Yup! now let's go get snacks!" I say cheerfully.

They both eye me like I've grown two heads and sigh but begin searching for all the snacks we are going to need.

After we pay for all the snacks we have and head out into the parking lot I see Asher's car parked beside Ethan's. I see him studying my movements by the side window but I ignore his stare. 

Two can play this game.

Noah rolls his window down and says, "y'all are mean." I give him a confused expression. "You really didn't take us in with you," he finishes.  I chuckle at the cute pout he has while saying all this. 

"Maybe start acting like the eighteen-year-old you are and you can come with us next time," speaks up Amelia. Noah looks at her in disbelief and Emily wears a small smile. Noah doesn't say anything back though, he knows that once you argue with Amelia, you are likely to lose.

We continue to make our way to Ethan's car and get in to leave as quickly as we can. 

Ethan pulls out of the parking stop and begins heading in the opposite direction we came from. 

"Whose house are we going to?" asks Emily reading my thoughts. 

"We are going to mines since my parents are out for a business trip, is that okay?" asks Ethan for conformation.

"It's good, how far is it?" Amelia speaks up. 

"We'll be there in 15-" he begins but never finishes off as he steps on the gas pedal. I grab onto Emily as she is seated beside me but I start to laugh. I enjoy speed but I would never do it on a public road. 

I see Amelia and Emily holding on to anything but their eyes are hardly shut. I turn to the side window and see a familiar car neck to neck with us. I see Asher fully concentrated on the road but still manages to look ravishing. 

I can't see Noah that well but I'm positive he is probably laughing his ass off. After all, these boys love the unpredictable.

After almost coming close to death by how fast we were going, we arrive at a mansion-like house. I'm guessing it's Ethan's house since the staff opens up the gates as soon as they see his car.

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