Chapter 48

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Vanessa's POV

"Maya please be careful," I say in desperation. Of course, this child was ignoring me, she was busy laughing at Asher and Noah's competition of who jumped into the river the coolest. As she saw them, she kept jumping up and down and splashed water everywhere, making it impossible to be at ease. 

"Vanessa, you look like those new moms! Don't be too worried, Maya is all good, there are seven adults, we won't let her out of sight," Addilyn comforts me after yesterday's events. I sigh remembering how scared I felt knowing she wasn't with me. However, I was angrier with myself, my body decided to give up on me when I was supposed to look for her.

"I hope so, she really scared me last night," I confess. 

"It happens, you will get used to her though, it just takes a bit of time. Now, let's get into the juicy news, you and Asher, huh? I knew y'all liked each other but I wasn't sure my brother had the courage to confess," Addilyn jokes. 

"Honestly, it's still surprising, after all, he confessed without knowing my true identity. I'm so thankful for him though, he is constantly with me, even with Maya around," I say as I look at Asher. He was laughing along with the guys, as well with Amelia and Emily. I thought it was impossible to like someone as much as I did, but he proved it wrong. 

"Well, he sounds serious about you. I don't think he plans on leaving you, even with you becoming Maya's legal guardian. However, if my brother ever acts like an ass, just text me, and I'll straighten him out."

"Hopefully that never happens, but I will keep the offer in mind," I joke.

Addilyn proceeds to play around with Maya, helping to keep an eye out. However, she kept looking at where the rest of the group were, far into the deep side of the river. 

"Addilyn, if you want to go hang out with them, it's fine. I'll stay with Maya out here in the shallow area," I suggest. I didn't want her to feel pressured to stay with me.

"It's not that, I love hanging out with you two. I just- you know what? Look over there and you will see it," Addilyn points to the group. 

I study them, trying to figure out what she was referring to. At first, I thought she was referring to Amelia and Ethan, but I already knew they were in a relationship. Then, it hits me. 

"No way!" I exclaim. 

"Yes, way! Girl, you see it too right?!" Addilyn fangirls. 

"I do! Noah is holding- he's holding Emily's waist!" I express my excitement. 

"I swear if they aren't dating yet, I will lose it!" Addilyn admits. 

"Uncle Noah a-and Em?" Maya chimes in. 

"Yes, angel! We got to celebrate!" I say so excitedly. 

"Emily Grace! Come here! Maya wants to speak to you!" Addilyn lies while yelling loud enough for Emily to hear. We all knew everyone was soft for Maya, she would come to us in no time. Emily turns to look at us and shoots us a nod. Noah's hands fall off her waist and he looks at her while she swims towards us.

"Amelia you too!" I add. 

"What's up angel?" Emily asks Maya innocently once she reaches us. 

"Don't play dumb, you and Noah-" I start but get cut off by Maya. 

"U-uncle Noah and Em, like e-each o-other!" she exclaims. I look at Maya proudly, she also knew what was going on. My little angel wasn't so oblivious after all. 

"What have you been teaching the child?!" Emily exclaims.

"Actually, I think Maya is right~ It was really obvious back there when we were with the guys," Amelia confesses. 

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