Chapter 13

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Vanessa's POV

Calm the fuck down Vanessa.

I guess I repeat this more than three times in my head. I recollect myself and put a smile on my face. I walk towards them and see a couple of them have started eating. I murmur a 'good morning' to everyone and avert my attention to this mystery girl. She turns as well and makes eye contact with me and breaks into a big, genuine smile. 

"Hi, you must be Vanessa, right?" she asks.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, and you are?"

"I'm Addilyn, nice to meet you too," she says in a friendly tone. 

"Vanessa you should eat breakfast," interrupts Asher. I simply nod and take a seat next to Amelia after grabbing food. I observe Addilyn take a seat next to Asher after they both take something to eat.

After some time we all are heading to the river. I begin to freak out. I can't swim and heading to the river is bringing back faint but horrible memories. I push my nervousness down and pretend to be okay. I don't want to ruin the day for anyone. I'll just come up with an excuse and not go near the water. 

"Hi, Vanessa," says Addilyn as she catches up to me.

"Um... Hi, Addilyn" I awkwardly say.

"So is this your first time with the boys since I've never seen you before?" asks Addilyn. I simply nod still trying to figure her out. Do you ever have those moments where you meet someone new and just by looking at them you can already figure out the type of person they are? Well, I'm guilty of doing it all the time. I know assuming is bad but I can't help doing it. But based on the vibes I'm getting off her, I think I can let my guard down a bit.

Only a bit though. 

You should never trust ANYONE that easily. 

We finally reach the river and I feel all the nervousness come back. I take a seat on a big rock and Addilyn comes next to me and does the same. Obviously, the boys are already in the water by the time we both sit down.

"So Vanessa... I'm guessing they don't know yet," says Addilyn. I turn to look at her, confused. I think she saw my confusion so she adds on, "they don't know you're THE Vanessa Lee." My eyes widen at her words. CODE RED! I REPEAT, CODE RED!

"I don't know what you are talking about," I say too quickly. I advert my attention from her and check if anyone is near us. I can't risk the chance of my friends finding out. Suddenly, I feel anger spread through my body. I don't know if its anger towards her or myself. It's the thought of losing the amazing friendship that was created between the girls, Asher, Ethan, Noah, and I. I don't want them to treat me any different once they find out. 

"Hey, I wasn't planning on telling anyone," she says obviously noticing my change in mood. "Vanessa it was fairly easy to notice it. I mean why wouldn't I notice when I'm a big fan of you and your work," she adds. I calm down and look at her again. She has a soft smile in her face as to confirm that she was telling the truth.

"Look, sorry for getting all worked up. I just really don't want them to know," I say.

"Why is that?" she says softly. "I mean if you don't mind me asking. It just seems that you are scared of everyone finding out the truth." 

"Exactly. I am scared of everyone finding out. But can we stop talking about it and could you please not tell anyone about what you found out today. I will tell them... I just don't know when," I say the last part quietly. It was more like talking to myself than anything. I just don't know when the time will be right. Will it ever be right? 

She seems to understand and drops the topic. "Hey, let's go swim. They are calling us over," she says with a smile. I turn and see everyone, including the girls waving at us, telling us to come over. 

"I c-can't..." I say beginning to freak out. 

"Come on, it will be fun," Addilyn continued and grabs my hand. I try to pull back but as I get my hand free from her grip, I lose my balance. I slip off the rock I was sitting on.

The next thing I see is seeing Addilyn's horrified expression as I feel myself falling.  I fall into the water and it takes me a second to realize that I'm underwater. 

As I struggle to get to my senses, I try to push my body upwards but fail miserably. I feel myself running out of oxygen and my lungs begin to burn. My movements to try to go back up become weak and weak. Until I see only darkness.

My weak body can't fight back anymore so I gave up. I let the darkness consume me.



First of all, I want to apologize for not updating since August. School started for me and I've been stressed out. The amount of work I have barely lets me sleep for 3 hours. I would love to promise that I will update every week but I don't want to break a promise. Instead, I promise to try my best to update as fast as I can. 

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this quick update.

Also, could you guys drop some song suggestions? Maybe even drop some groups or artists I should stan.

I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas!

I hope you guys help me out by commenting, voting and sharing this book. 

Have a good rest of your day/night! See you soon!

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