Chapter 34

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Vanessa's POV

"Ugh! Why aren't they here yet," Asher yells in frustration.

"Maybe they went somewhere far? Just calm down, maybe the news will die down," I try calming him down.

"The news will die down, I'm just worried about your safety. If Tatiana finds out about this she will do something to you! Especially tomorrow since we got to go to school," Asher explains his worry.

"Look, maybe she will become crazy and all that but I got to move on. I can't let her influence my life anymore, our school year is almost over. It's time for me to stand my ground and enjoy the rest of the year," I explain to him.

"Food is here..." Noah enters the kitchen nervously. He looks at Asher with fear.

"Explain," Asher demands.

"We decided to take a picture and just keep it to ourselves. I took the picture without turning my flash off and Amelia tackled me to the ground. It caused me to share it online. I swear I wasn't trying to expose it to everyone," Noah explains in one breath.

"Hey it's fine- is that Chinese food?!" I ask with excitement

"Yeah... I got it as an apology Angel face! I'm sorry," Noah apologizes. I feel my heart fill with sadness at his apology so I hug him.

"Once again, it's fine now let's dig in!" I say excitedly to lighten the mood.

"Finally I was starving!" Emily enters the room. Everyone looks at her surprised at her sudden entrance and behind her follow Amelia and Ethan. As we eat delicious food, Asher began to warm up again. He starts laughing at Noah's jokes as if nothing ever happened. I love that. I love that anything can happen and we can still forgive each other. Or am I getting my hopes up too much?

The next day, we all head to school as normal. The halls are filled with people, chatting before classes start. As I walk in with our group, people turn their heads and look at me. Most of them where glares and looks of disgust. Sure it hurts but what can I do?

Weird thing is, no trace of Tatiana. I imagined her storming in front of us ready to punch me. I start to worry, it's too calm.

We all head to our first class and take our seats. I begin updating my planner waiting for more students to pile in and the teacher. I only lift my head to the sounds of heals ticking. I would be lying if I told you I didn't stop breathing for a second.

I lock eyes with her but she rips her stare off and heads for her seat. I look at the guys and girls to find their same expressions. We all were confused. Is she okay?

The rest of the day goes the same. Whenever we saw her, she would just ignore us as if we didn't exist. Even at lunch! I thought that was her time to attack.

The end of the day came without any drama. I headed to my locker and met with everyone. We started talking about our plans until we see almost everyone in a hurry.

"What's going on?" Ethan speaks everyone's thoughts. Amelia shrugs confused.

"Ian from Riverview High is outside apparently with Tatiana," a random girl fills us in while they pass by us. I look at the back figure of the girl, now even more confused. What's wrong with this Ian and why is he here? I focused on the guys suddenly. Their expressions change as if they hate this person so much.

"You guys done?" Noah asks still focused on this Ian guy.

"Um.. yeah, let's go?" I answer more like a question.

They nod and we head outside. As I see the door to leave the building, I become more scared of what's to come. I think of running back but it's too late. We get to the bottom of the stairs and I see Asher turn to look for this guy. This person currently was making out with Tatiana.

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