Chapter 11

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Asher's POV

I'm currently driving to the campsite we will be spending the weekend at. I have Vanessa in the passenger seat currently sleeping. Every time I can, I steal a glance from her. She just looks too peaceful to not admire. But, I'm also feeling mad at myself every time I do. I remember what happened two days ago in the bathroom with her.

I recall myself confessing my feelings to her out of frustration. She looked hurt because of what Tatiana told her at the cafeteria because she believed every single word. She kept insisting that I don't care about her. I got mad at her thoughts because I do care. I care way too much that when I caught her with bloodshot eyes in the bathroom from crying, I felt something heavy in my heart. That's when I realized that I actually like Vanessa. Not just as a friend but also in a crush way.

I know that I just started talking to her at the beginning of this week. But I also realized that maybe my crush on Vanessa has been going on since Junior year. I know my feelings towards her has only gotten stronger after getting to know her more. Before I just felt attracted to the outside. I know many might disagree since she is a nerd but now that I know her, I love her personality and more. 

Yet, I can't tell her that. I know she doesn't like me, she never has shown signs of it. In my opinion, this girl is too focused on school and is better not dealing with anyone else. For example a boyfriend. I really want to know if there is any possibility of me and her becoming something else in the future but I also don't to scare her off.

I arrive at the campsite and get out of the car while trying to be as quiet as possible. I don't want to wake her up because she looked too tired earlier. I walk towards the front of my car and see Noah pulling up. Noah basically jumps out of the car as soon as he parks.

"Thank god we are finally here! Ugh, it was so tiring that I couldn't continue to drive anymore," he groans. I just shake my head at his dramatic comment. I see Ethan, Amelia, and Emily also getting out of the car but in a less dramatic way. 

"Where is Vanessa?" asks Emily. I point towards Vanessa and all heads turn towards her. 

"Let her sleep Noah, she looked really tired. We will just wake her up for dinner," I say quickly because Noah was starting to head to the car. I walk towards the trunk and get out the bags of the boys and I. Ethan and Noah follow behind and get their belongings.

"Should we wait with Vanessa until you guys drop off your belongings?" asks Amelia. 

"No, let's all go. I'll just lock the car and we will come back for her after we show you girls, where you are sleeping," I reply as I lock the car not after opening the window by her side a bit. I walk towards the group and start walking with them. After a couple of minutes of walking, we get to the cabin. Ethan opens it up and we hear gasps from the girls as the inside is revealed.

"How did you guys manage to get something like this?!" exclaims Emily. 

"Baby, nothing is impossible when your dad pays for it," responds Noah and gives Emily a wink. Emily turns her body away from us. If I'm correct I would assume that Emily has something for Noah. I see how nervous she gets around him over this past week. Well, I hope they become more than friends. I know Noah has liked Emily since Freshman year. I feel like Emily would be a good influence for him, he sometimes acts like a child so her personality will definitely make him grow up a bit.

The boys and I step aside to let the girls go in to admire the luxury of this cabin. Well if you can even call it a cabin. This cabin is so big that you can easily call it a house and is too luxurious to be out here in the woods. "Girls lets go upstairs to pick out our rooms," says Ethan.

"So there is four rooms upstairs and two downstairs. What room do you guys want?" asks Noah as we show them a glimpse of the rooms upstairs.

"I think this should be Vanessa's room," says Emily as she explores one of the biggest rooms. 

"Well, I'll go bring her from the car. You guys keep settling in, I'll be back," I say and head outside. I walk towards my car and see Vanessa in the same position as I left her. I gently tap her shoulder to wake her up. She just stirs a bit a continues sleeping.

"Vanessa, we are here. Let's go inside," I whisper a tap her shoulder again with a bit more force. Her eyes flutter open and she takes a few seconds to analyze where she is. She looks at me still sleepy and begins to take off her seatbelt. I move to the side to allow her to get out of the car. Once she climbs out I begin to guide her to the cabin.

"Sorry for sleeping on the way..." she murmurs, clearly still sleepy. I reply with a quick 'it's fine' because she is too tired to keep a conversation going. Soon after we get to the cabin and I lead her to her room. Her eyes widen a bit as she enters it. 

"Your suitcase is in the corner so you should start unpacking. The boys and I will make dinner so come down in a few. Do you need anything?" I ask.

"No... I'm alright," she says in between a small yawn. I nod my head and leave her room.

Vanessa's POV

Once I see Asher leaving my room I walk up to my suitcase to start unpacking. I hear the sound of the door being opened again. I was surprised to see two people behind the door once the door was fully opened. I smile creeps up my face when I see Amelia throwing herself at the bed in my room.

"This is the best room in the entire cabin! You're lucky Emily told the boys this was going to be your room," she says smiling.

"Thank you Emily, but I could have slept in the other rooms without a problem," I say to Emily as she sits in the bed.

"Nope, you deserve this room. You have been working so much and you help everyone around you. Now stop complaining and continue unpacking," she argues and stands up. She heads towards me and grabs a couple of clothes. Amelia follows her same movements and together we place everything where it should be.

After finishing I remember what I was supposed to ask Emily. "So, Emily what's new?" I ask hoping she gets my question. She looks at me with a confused expression.

"Okay, I'll just get straight to the point. What is there between you and Noah?" I ask and see her face fall.

"I don't even know myself," she says sadly.

"Did something happen?" asks Amelia.

"I guess I'll explain before we get called for dinner. So remember on Wednesday the Tatiana thing happen and you left the cafeteria. Then Asher followed you..." I nod at her to let her know to continue. "... Tatiana insulted all of us before she left. I ignored it because I was mad at what she did to you. Also, she left me without food so I was starving but then the bell ringed. So I murmured a 'bye' and left the table. I was walking to my class and Noah caught up to me..."

"Wait, before you continue did he do something bad?!" interrupts Amelia.

"No, I was the one who did something," says Emily and I see a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Oh my god, Emily! Just say it before I lose my mind!" says Amelia clearly impatient by her tone.

Emily begins to speak and one she finishes, me and Amelia freeze up. Emily just confessed to doing something I would have not expected her to do.


Hello~ I hope you have an amazing day/night! 

To my Army people reading this, did you get the chance to see the movie 'Bring The Soul'?

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