Chapter 25

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"I'm guessing both of you know each other?!" asks Noah's mother in a happy tone breaking Noah and me from the staring contest we are having.

"I guess we should leave the children to talk about it. Miss Le, please help us," pleads Noah's dad as they both leave the room. This left Noah and me alone in the room.

"Um... surprise!" blurts out Noah trying to break the awkward situation we were placed in. "Look about the marriage thing-" he starts to rant but I interrupt him as I'm bothered by what he said.

"When you came into the room you were going to call me angel face?" I ask trying to stop my thoughts by getting an answer out of him to know why he said it. Does he know?

"I guess I can't hide it now cant I," Noah sighs and sits on one of the chairs his parents occupied earlier. "You're Vanessa Collins right?" he asks as if he also is having a hard time coming to a conclusion. As if he has been having his doubts.

My eyes widen at his suspicion. 

I was ready to deny it all, after all, one lie wouldn't hurt, right? But something stopped me, the look in Noah's face told me lying isn't helpful. He looked hurt and almost exhausted as if he has been thinking about it too much.

I simply nod my head and look down ready for him to leave the room. Ready for him to leave me.

"Vanessa... look up," Noah asks in a soft tone. By this time my eyes are beginning to water knowing that I would be losing an amazing friend. Once he sees that I'm about to tear up he engulfs me in a hug. 

He hugs me so tightly and holds me until he knows I'm okay.

"I hope this doesn't bother you but why?" Noah asks and pulls away. I look at him and decide it's best to tell him everything which I do. I know I can trust him even if he sometimes jokes around too much. He is a reliable person at the end of the day. Once I'm done with my explanation he engulfs me in a hug one more time and breaks into a smile.

"So I'm guessing this massive secret has to be kept as a secret am I right?" he asks. I nod as a response to his question. He proceeds to asks, "Who knows about this?"

"Emily, Amelia, and now you. I haven't told Asher nor Ethan because I'm not ready, what if they want nothing to do with me?" I express my fears.

"Honestly I don't feel like they will. I mean I didn't hate you, well it was more like I felt betrayed that you didn't trust us once I found out. Then, I thought about it and came to the conclusion that you probably are keeping it a secret for a good reason," Noah confesses.

"Wait, are we actually getting married?"I ask once I remember the talk I had earlier with Noah's parents.

"No! Ignore my parents I'll find a way to help them but I'm not including you into this," chuckles Noah at the thought of actually getting married.

"Maybe I can help, there has to be another way," I assured him. 

"Maybe but until then don't worry about it," he says.

"I'll think of a way Noah, you guys will come out of this, I'll tell you tomorrow at school just meet me at my locker tomorrow and we'll talk," I convince him knowing that I won't stop until I help them. After all, Noah has been an amazing friend which would be terrible for me if I didn't help him.

"Thanks Vanessa, I need to go though, Ethan asked me to come to his house earlier, take care of yourself," he dismisses himself and leaves.

I sigh once he leaves the room leaving me all alone. One less person that I have to tell and one more person that knows. I'm happy he took it well and all I can hope for is that Asher and Ethan will do the same. 

I know I can trust Noah to remain quiet but I feel something approaching. I feel like I'm having too much luck. I ignore the thought and decide to move on. If I keep thinking I will only end up hurting myself by filling my head with false scenarios.

I push myself up and decide to go back to my office to take Emily home. She might be tired and I'm being rude if I keep her stuck in the office. I manage to convince her I can do my work at home or later and that it's important for her to rest.

Once we get home we did our usual routines the only difference is that I went to bed not before finishing three bowls full of ice cream. I needed all that sugar to accompany me in my feelings. The image from earlier in the day replayed in my mind. I don't know but now I just feel betrayed by Asher. 

He was never my friend. He knows how my life has been miserable because of Tatiana and he goes ahead and kisses her.  The worst part, in front of me. As much as I wanted to cry, I didn't. It wasn't worth crying for. I kind of saw it coming and I'm expecting more to come.

Just as I promised I was by my locker waiting for Noah the next day. Emily went left minutes ago and told me she will be back for class. I was looking through my books for the day until Noah yells from across the hall. 

"Good morning angel face~" he sang. I looked at him and put a weirded out expression but smiled at the end. I love how carefree he is.

"Good morning to you too! Now, just as I promised I know how to help," I tell him to discuss my plan. 

"I told you to not worry about it!" Noah whines.

"Hey, it's fine, can I speak now?" I ask to see if I have all of his attention. He nods at my question and I proceed, "well your mom told me that the investor you guys need doesn't want to help because of a new rule they have at their company. I did some research but will you be the one signing the contract right?" 

"Yeah, I guess so," he confesses.

"Yeah, so because you are the next heir of your parent's company and will sign that contract they need someone trustworthy. They have this rule to never invest with anyone who doesn't show responsibility-" I rant but Noah interrupts me.

"Hey! I'm responsible!" Noah whines again. 

"I didn't mean it that way. Those investors don't trust men who aren't settled as in not married. They want to work with serious people and they believe that if someone is married they are responsible enough but there's a loophole,"  I pause to see if Noah is getting all I'm saying which it looks like he does so I continue.

"What if we get engaged, announce it, and then you come in and sign that contract you need," I suggest. 

"Wait, but we don't want to get married- oh~ I get it now! We would break it off after the deal is made! Vanessa, you're a genius!" Noah says and wears a genuine smile spread across his face. 

Noah engulfs me in a tight hug and picks me up from the ground. I feel my cheeks heat up because I know many are probably staring. 

"What the fuck is going on here?!" asks a voice with so much anger on it.

I feel my body tense up at the familiar voice and Noah puts me back on the floor. I turn to look at the owner of the voice.

I see a really furious Asher.


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