Chapter 40

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Asher's POV

It took everything in me not to go hug and kiss her right there. She looked so beautiful as always, I was tempted to forgive her at that moment.

"*cough* Are y'all back together again?" Noah interrupts. "If so, thank you very much, it was too awkward-" Amelia cuts him off by slapping the back of his head. He looks at her like she's crazy but Amelia proceeds to glare at him.

I advert my attention to the board and put my act together. There is no way Vanessa and I can go back together, at least not now.

Thankfully the teacher comes inside the classroom, as always five minutes late. I try my hardest to not get distracted by her and take notes. Obviously, I failed. Did I mention Tatiana was eyeing me the whole time?

Lunchtime rolls in and like always, I'm heading to our table. I see Ethan and Emily already seated there. The next thing I see is Noah and Amelia running pass me, they run to take their places. I immediately think they are planning something. Across the hallway, I see Vanessa walking towards the cafeteria as well. Then it hits me.

They all took their spaces before Vanessa and I get enough time to sit down. I look at the seating arrangement and it confirms my suspicion. The only two seats that were left, were next to each other.

I mentally groan, so much for avoiding her.

I take my seat and notice Vanessa stands there hesitating if she should sit next to me. I take a deep breath and grab her arm. I pull her down to the seat as she gasps. I don't look at her and start eating the food Ethan brought for us.

I knew the whole table's attention was directed towards me but I didn't care. Was I supposed to leave her standing there?

"Hi Ashy!" Tatiana purrs next to me. I almost puked right there. I didn't show it obviously due to respect for the group. However, Amelia and Noah had no problem faking gagging sounds.

"Omg Noah! Did you hear that?!" Amelia exclaims.

"Yeah I did, it was so disgusting and embarrassing!" Noah responds the same way Amelia replied.

"She really thought it was cute!" Amelia bursts out laughing. I see Tatiana rolling her eyes at both at them but changes expressions when her eyes meet mines.

"Um... I was wondering if you and I could meet up after school and y'know?" Tatiana whispers seductively. I push her away from me and her expression turns into a confused one.

"Tatiana, you really expect me to run to your arms after what you and Ian revealed yesterday?" I reply sarcastically.

"W-well yeah, you don't like Vanessa anymore so you should like me," Tatiana tries to say it confidently. I look at her like she grew two heads.

"Tatiana, sure I'm disappointed about what Vanessa did but that doesn't mean my feelings for her are over, I suggest you go to your boyfriend before I tell him you tried seducing me," I advise her. I was expecting Tatiana to go away right at the moment but she stayed. She looked at me and she turned sad. It was the first time I saw her like that.

"Asher why can't you like me?" Tatiana asks.

"Simple, you aren't Vanessa, she is kind, smart, compassionate, and admirable. All those things don't describe you," I answer truthfully. I turn to Vanessa and see her staring right back at me. As much as I want to hate her, I can't. I will always fail miserably. I sigh at how weak I am when it comes to her. I grab my backpack and get myself up. I decided it was best if I took a break from her. I needed to think things over.

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