Some explanation

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A/N: Hey guys. This is just a little filler chapter, next chapter will probably up by either tonight or tomorrow. I'll try to put it up tonight though. Or before that, cause I don't have anything else to do anyway ;)

*3 years later*

It was now 3 years ago Peter Stark-Rogers became an actual Stark-Rogers. And he loved it. His dad and his pops were awesome and they even adopted a little girl, a year and a half after they adopted Peter. Her name is Morgan and she had her 5th birthday last week. At school Peter's name was still Parker though, not wanting the world to know he was the son of Iron man and Captain America. Everyone knew they have 2 adopted kids, but nobody knows their names. Everyone just collectively agreed to believe the 2 are homeschooled. Peter however goes to Midtown High, and he's on top of his class. He just has a little problem. Like ¾ of the school doesn't believe he has an 'internship' at Stark Industries (SI from now on). This mostly comes from the fact that SI actually doesn't hire high schoolers, and that can 'cause some problems. Mostly with Flash, who's just an idiot with an massive amount of jealousy. Given the fact he applied like 7 times for an internship at SI, and got declined every time.

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