The fieldtrip of my nightmares (Part2/?)

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Peter's P.O.V

When we arrive at the tower a few minutes later, I'm still not completely calm. I told Ned and MJ what the plan was, and they said everything will go fine as they thought it was a good plan. And I know Lizzy, she'll stick to the plan too. I'm just afraid Flash is going to be, well Flash, and that everyone will freak out.

When we get to the front desk, the teacher goes to announce our arrival and tells us to wait. I spot Lizzy standing at the entrance and sneak towards her. "Hey" I whisper when I stand next to her, trying not to get seen by the rest of the class. "Hey Pete, calm down. It'll be fine." Lizzy greets me "Here's your badge, when I hand the rest of the group their badges just pull yours out and stick it on your shirt". "Okay, thanks Lizz." I answer soft, and hurry back to my spot next to Ned and MJ.

The teacher returns to the group, and Lizzy walks towards the group and greets everyone. "Hello Midtown High! I'm Lizzy Tikse, and I'll be leading your tour today" She says this all while having the 'Tour Smile' on, and I laugh at how forced it looks. "I am going to hand out visitors badges to each of you now" Lizzy continues, after glaring at me with an amused look in her eyes. She hands everyone a badge, besides me of course. "Miss, what do the colours mean?" Flash asks.

"Well, they represent the level of badge you have.There are 8 in total. Level 1 & 2 are for janitors, visitors and suppliers, these are yellow." She smiles and continues "You have those. Levels 3 & 4 are for lower level interns and business people, these are orange. Level 5 is for higher level interns, these are green. Level 6 is for Avengers who aren't always at the tower, like Mr.Lang and Mr.Strange, these are blue. Level 7 is for Avengers who live here full-time, these are silver. And level 8 is for The Stark-Rogers family, The med-staff, and a very few select number other people important to the Stark-Rogers family themself. These badges are gold" She explains. "Now, You all got your badge. Stick it somewhere on your shirt, where it's visible at all times! Our head of security is kinda strict about that." She winks and walks to the entrance of the building.

Everyone sticks their badge somewhere on their shirts and walk after Lizzy to the entrance. I quickly stick on mine as well, extremely aware that mine is in fact gold, instead of yellow. *shit, please don't notice. Please don't notice* But then the absolutely amazing, awesome Parker luck kicked in. Because why not right? I sighed and ignored the familiar tingle of my spideysense . We walked to the scanners and the group stands in front of Lizzy while she explains what's gonna happen next.

"Okay Midtown, I would like you to form a line please!" Lizzy asks us. Of course, Flash runs forward so he's the first in line. Ned, MJ and I stand in the back of the line. "Great, You'll walk through the scanner when it's your turn and scan your badge." Lizzy explains and then adds "It'll also identify objects that aren't allowed inside the tower, and those will be confiscated"

Flash steps through the scanner, and scans his badge. "Eugene Thompson, Level 2, Yellow" F.R.I.D.A.Y. says. The class looks around, and I laugh at how scared they look. Lizzy also laughs and says "That's F.R.I.D.A.Y., Mr. Stark-Rogers's AI" The class seems impressed, and then Lizzy asks us to move on. The entire class moves through the scanner until "Betty Brant, Level 2, Yellow". I am getting more and more nervous, as MJ is next. Then Ned and I am last. *Why the hell am I going last?!?!?!*

"Michelle Jones, Level 2, Yellow"

"Ned Leeds, Level 2, Yellow"

I sigh and walk towards the scanner. Ned and MJ still have a visitor badge, although they've been here a lot. I normally just give them access to everything. I scan my badge and F.R.I. says "Welcome back Peter, should I alarm Mr.Stark-Rogers you're back?" I look up and fright hits me as I desperately try not to look at my classmates. "No, thanks F.R.I. He knows I'm here on a fieldtrip" I answer quickly, wanting to sink to the floor right here and now. "Very well, have fun then" F.R.I.D.A.Y. answers and then it is so quiet I can actually hear people talk two stories above us. *Thank god she didn't say my badge level tho* The entire class stares at me with open mouths and Lizzy laughs. "What's wrong? You guys know Peter interns here right?" She winks at me and I give her a grateful smile.

"Yes, Peter made us believe something like that at school" Ms.Brooks says, looking murderous again. I swear, that woman frightens me. "Well, he does. And he's the best intern here" Lizzy snaps, while she was smiling a few moments ago she's angry now. She is the kind of person who REALLY doesn't like it when someone even slightly insults one of her friends. With that she turns around and calls back at us "Follow me!"

We follow her into the elevator and I end up standing next to her. "Calm down Lizz, it's fine" I try to reassure my friend. She looks at me and I smile at her as her features soften "I know, I just don't like her"

"Believe me, you aren't the only one who doesn't like her" I laugh. She grins and speaks up "This is our floor Midtown" We leave the elevator and look around. "We're at the Avengers 'museum', look around but please don't touch anything. We'll be leaving this floor in an hour" And with that she lets us look around.

Me and MJ are looking at the first few Iron Man suits, when we hear Ned calling our names from the other sides of the room. We walk towards him, to a corner I've never seen before. And I've been down here before, leading some tourgroups. "What's up?" MJ asks when we reach Ned. "Uhm, look around here. This is new I think" he says and we look around, not really having been paying attention to our surroundings. The entire wall has a web walking across it, with pieces of information about Spider-man and his first missions. My first suit, the onesie one, is displayed and next to it are some of my other suits. Across the other wall are the words "With great power, comes great responsibility". Next to it is a statement from Dad and Pops saying how proud they are of Spider-man and a statement from auntie Nat saying "I've grown to love the Spider, he's amazing". And under it the announcement from last year when I became an Avenger. I am speechless and MJ just says "Wauw" Ned looks at me and asks "Did you know about this?" "I had no idea" I answer softly. *I need to remember to hug dad and pops for that* Lizzy calls the group together and explains where we're going next.

"Next we will go see some research labs. But be careful! Some of the stuff in those labs is really dangerous, so don't touch anything" She warns, and the group walks towards the elevator again. I look back at the Spider-man section and smile. Then I hear Flash and once again, I really wish I could punch him in the face. "Yo Parker, now your little lie will be uncovered. Since you're 'the best intern here' and absolutely nobody is going to recognise you once we get to the labs" he whispers in my ear, making sure Lizzy can't hear him. "Screw you Flash" I whisper back. I don't want to go to the labs, not because nobody is going to recognise me. But because everyone will, and I really don't want to deal with Flash anymore today.

But I'll guess we'll see, maybe nobody greets me or needs me to help with anything. As I usually make a round every other day to see if the 'other' interns need any help. But well, I guess with my Parker luck you never know.

A/N Guys! We got over 300 reads! That's absolutely amazing, thank you so much <3 This is a extra long chapter, both as a thank you and a apology for last week ;)

P.S. Next chapter will be published tomorrow (to make up for last week ;))

A superfamily with a fieldtrip destination (Peter Parker/Spidey) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora