The downside of living with a spy (Part 1)

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Peter's P.O.V.

"Thanks Happy!" I say through the front window of the car.

"See ya later kid" Happy says, and he drives away.

I walk into the tower and F.R.I.D.A.Y. greets me with "Hello Peter, welcome home." "Hey FRI, where are dad and pops?" I ask the AI, while entering the private elevator. "Mr. Stark-Rogers is in the lab, and Mr. Rogers-Stark is in the penthouse with the kids" F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs me. The kids? That means that the Barton kids and Cassie are here too! "Okay, thanks FRI" At that moment I arrive at the penthouse, and I walk out of the elevator. Well I try to, at least. Before I can really walk out of the elevator, I get tackled by Morgan.

"Hey Morgan, how are u doing?" I ask the little girl, as pick her up and walk to the kitchen. "Good! Lila, Cooper, Nate and Cassie are here to!" She says enthusiastic. "Nice" I answer while smiling at the little girl, who got adopted by dad and pops only 1,5 years ago. I can't believe it's already has been 1,5 years. "Where are they then? " I ask Morgan.

"Morgan, where are you?" I hear coming from the living room. "There they are" Morgan answers laughing. I pick up Morgan again and walk with her to the living room to the sight of Lila, Cooper, Nate, Cassie and Pops laying on the couch, buried with blankets. "Hey Guys, how are you?"

A chorus of "Goods!" come as answers. "I'll be right back guys, Peter can you help me for a minute?" Pops says, while looking at me. "Yeah sure" Looking back at him with a questioning look. He beckons to the kitchen and I follow him, afraid he can look right through me. I'm trying to hide the whole 'fieldtrip to my own house' thing, 'cause I'm really afraid that if the Avengers know about it they are going to embarrass the living hell out of me.

Steve P.O.V.

I walk to the kitchen with Peter. As soon as he enters I ask him to close the door, not wanting the other kids to hear this, as I think this might get pretty personal and I don't want to do that to Peter.

"You want something to drink?" I ask him, looking at him hiding my worry. He looks like he is hiding something that's really bothering him. "Yeah sure, what did I need to help you with?" He ask, still looking troubled. "Nothing, I just wanted to talk a little with my son, in private" I tell him, trying to read his expression. It's not working, Peter's holding a plain expression on his face. I can still tell that something is bothering him tho, and I really want to help him with it.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"Is there something you want to talk about?" I turn the question around.

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know" Peter starts rambling. "Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. You can tell me everything. You know that right?" I whisper, while wrapping him in my arms. "Yes, I know. I just don't know if I want to tell anyone"


"Because I'm afraid everyone will embarrass me" Peter confesses, while sounding like he's going to cry. "It's okay, trust me. I won't make fun of you, I promise" I try to comfort him. "Do promise not to tell anybody about this?" he asks, sniffing. "Yeah, I pro..." "Especially not dad" he interrupts.

"I promise, talk to me. Please"

"Okay, so. Don't laugh, but we go on a field trip every year with school" Peter starts telling me, while burying his face in my chest. "Okay, so what is the problem" I ask a little confused. "Thisyearwearegoingtothetowerandiamreallyafraideveryonewillembarrassme" Peter mumbles.

"Peter, I love you. But I didn't understand a single word of what you just said" I chuckle.

"This year we are going to the tower and I am really afraid everyone will embarrass me" Peter whispers, seeming afraid of my reaction. "It's gonna be okay. We'll figure something out" I sigh. That sucks, I mean... Peter has always been very clear that he doesn't want anyone to know who he really is. And he always insisted that he would still go to school as 'Peter Parker'instead of 'Peter Stark-Rogers'. I know Peter really hates much attention, so I get where he's coming from.

"Is there something I need to sign?" I ask softly. "Yeah, I got a permission slip in my backpack."

Peter runs to grab it, and when he returns I sign it as Ms. May Parker. Peter looks at the slip and looks up, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Everyone knows you as Peter Parker, so this is just for safety okay?"

"Yeah, I honestly don't think my teacher would believe me if I got there and my slip is signed by Steve Rogers-Stark." He chuckles. "Thanks pops" he hugs me again and he starts to walk to the kitchen door. Right before he leaves, he turns around looking serious. "Really don't tell anyone, Please."

"I won't, I promise" I reassure him. And with that he leaves the kitchen.

A/N; Hey guys, I will publish part 2 either tonight or tomorrow. This part would be way to long if I combined them, sooo. 

Love you guys <3


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