The meeting

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Bruce's P.O.V.

After Peter left, I turned around and looked at Ian. "I need to go upstairs for a while, can we finish later?" I ask him and he smiles "Of course, maybe Peter can help then". I nod and turn around to the elevator. "Bye Ian" I say, just before the elevator doors closed. "Bye Dr.Banner" he smiled and waved. The doors closed and F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked which floor I wanted to go to. "The communal floor, thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y."

"No problem, Dr.Banner Is there anything else I can help you with?" the AI responds.

"No thanks"

"Let me know when you need me" with that the AI stopped talking and the doors opened. I walked into the communal space and saw Clint and Sam battling in Mario Kart. Scott, Steve, Wanda and Nat are watching and cheering either one of the two on. "Guys, where are the others?" I ask, and Sam pauses the game. All of them look at me, probably curious why I sound so mad. My assumptions get confirmed when Steve speaks up.

"Buck is in the kitchen with Shuri, Pietro is training with Stephen, Vision is in the med-bay helping out, Thor and Loki are back from Asgard in an hour and Tony is in his lab. But why do you sound so upset?" I look and him and just say "Get everyone here"

"But I ca-"

"You need to get everyone here, it's about Peter" I cut him off. He suddenly looks worried and turns to the others "Nat, get Buck and Shuri from the kitchen. Wanda, get Vision upstairs. Sam, send the signal to Thor and Loki and make sure they get here in the next 5 minutes. And Clint, go get Pietro and Stephen. I'll go get Tony." He stands up and looks at me "And then you'll better explain yourself Bruce" He runs to get Tony and looks over his shoulder. When he sees nobody has moved he yells "Hurry up" sounding slightly panicked. We all nod and everyone goes to do as he says.

---------------Hello, I'm Nick. I'm Bob's brother, nice to meet ya-----------

Five minutes later everyone is seated at the long table in the dining room. Well, almost everyone. Thor and Loki will be here in a minute. Tony looks like he is going to murder me if I don't start talking. I look at Steve and he nods, walking to his husband. He hugs him and says "Honey, I'm just as concerned as you, but killing Bruce isn't going to help" Steve gives Tony a kiss on his head, and Tony sighes. "I know, I'm just worried" Then Thor and Loki walk in, and Thor yells "What is wrong with the Man of Spiders?!"

"Sit down and I'll show you" I answer and I stand up so I can look at everybody. "Peter's tour came to the research lab where Ian and I were working on a project" I start explaining "But I figured out why Pete is always covered in bruises. And they aren't just from patrol, as he says" I sigh and continue, avoiding looking at Tony and Steve. And Nat to be honest, she gets scary when she's mad.


"Yes, Dr.Banner?" The AI answers.

"Could you show the footage from the research lab me and Peter were in 15 minutes ago?"

The footage started playing and the group around the table looked angrier with the second. I have never seen Pietro angry before, and after looking at him, I'm very glad I haven't given the fact that he looks absolutely terrifying. Shuri had one of her beads transform into one of her inventions, which looked pretty deadly. Bucky had his metal hand forming a fist, Clint was plucking at the string from his bow with furrowed eyebrows, Nat was sharpening her knives and Wanda's hands were glowing a deep shade of red while she was 'playing' with her magic. Vision was sitting next to her, and to be completely honest, I didn't know Vision could look so terrifying. Stephen had produced a portal and stepped through it, and when he returned, he brought a huge knife and he had his cape on. Loki looked almost as murderous as Tony, and Thor was looking at Mjölnir, probably wondering how hard he could throw it at Flash. Steve was still holding Tony at his shoulders,trying to calm him down, but he looked just as mad as his husband.

The footage stopped, and as if on cue, the elevator doors opened. We all looked at the elevator, and Wade walked in. And he wasn't happy at all. "Wade? What are you doing here?" Tony questioned and Wade looks at him.

"Well, you see, I came here to surprise Petey. Which worked, and he was very happy to see me. Then some jerk decided to talk. You know what, I'll just show you the footage. F.R.I.D.A.Y.?"

Once again the footage starts playing, this time from the cafeteria. I smile when I see how happy Peter is to see Wade, but I'm a bit scared of what could happen next. It doesn't take long till we know what happened, and I should've known.

"How the hell is Parker good enough for him?"

Wade turns around, looking really angry. He grabs that Flash kid and pushes him against the wall.

"Listen, you little shit. 'How is Parker good enough for him?' I'll tell you how. First of all, he's the nicest and most caring person I've ever met. Unlike you, he cares for other people. He doesn't bully anyone and when somebody insults his family or friends he gets very, very angry. Believe me, you don't wanna see. He's great with kids, loves his family more than anything and he helped me through a lot. So, he's way too good for me. And I'm just glad I'm good enough for him. And believe me, if it wasn't for him, you would have a lot more problems right now than a ripped shirt. Maybe you could thank him for once in your life "

The footage stopped playing and we all turn to look at Wade. He's looking at his shoes, and avoiding eye contact with anyone. Steve lets go of Tony and walks over to Wade, and pulls him into a hug. Wade's head snaps up, surprised. "Thank you for protecting him. And believe me when I say, you have no idea how good you are for him" Steve lets go and Wade smiles "Thank you Mr.Rogers-Stark. I try"

"Please just call me Steve, or something else you are comfortable with. But no Mr. okay?" Steve smiles at the boy.

"Okay" Wade answers, returning the smile.

Steve turns around to the table and looks around. "Okay I have a plan" He says, and he looks at Tony. He nods for him to gon and Steve continues "After lunch we'll give his tour a surprise. Next hour we'll give them a basic training, and the hour after that we'll give them an Q&A. We can keep an eye on that Flash kid during the training and then discuss how whe are going to handle the situation after that. Is everyone okay with that?" He looks around and everyone approves.

"Steve, Nat, Bucky, Pietro and Clint will handle the training. The rest of us are going to watch the footage up here. In their break Steve and the rest will come back upstairs and we can discuss further moves before we all go to the Q&A" Tony says, and we all agree that that would be the best plan.

Steve smiles, gives Tony a quick kiss and then he turns around. "I'll let Lizzy know. Nat, Pietro, Buck and Clint, let's go." Nat, Bucky, Pietro and Clint all stand up. Nat, Bucky and Pietro follow Steve into the elevator. Clint, on the other hand, pulls himself up and disappears into the vents.

"Hey F.R.I. could you show us the cameras in the trainingsroom downstairs?" Tony speaks up.

"Sure thing Boss"

A/N HEY GUYS. I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! Here is an apology, and I promise I will upload again before the weekend. I am going on a vacation on saturday for 2 weeks tho, and I don't think I'll have time to upload then. I'll make that chapter extra long!

P.S. I saw we passed 500 reads, almost 600! Guys, I don't think I can thank you enough. This means so much to me. I love you all <3


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