Q&A With the Avengers (Part 1)

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Peter's P.O.V.

Lizzy lead us downstairs 20 minutes ago, and I'm waiting for the break to be over. My nerves are nearly going through the roof, and MJ notices pretty quick. "Peter, are you okay? She asks, and both MJ and Ned are looking at me, concern written in their eyes.

"No" I sigh "They are gonna destroy Flash in the Q&A and I don't know how I can protect him from it"

"Why would you want to protect him?" I quickly turn around at Betty's voice, who's standing behind us looking confused.

"Betty? What the hell do you mean?"

"Well, I mean he hasn't been very nice to you" Betty points out, while sitting down next to MJ "Hasn't he?"

I shake my head before she continues "And you can't talk your family into leaving him alone?"

My eyes widen and I look at Ned shocked. "Betty, how did you know?"

"Peter, I'm not stupid." Betty grins "I suspected it for a while now and it just got confirmed with Dr.Banner this morning"

"Please don't tell anyone" I beg her, and she nods "Of course not Peter, you've kept it hidden for a reason I assume"

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Ned fill her in on everything" I turn my attention to Betty once more "Betty, what he's gonna tell you is top secret okay? This is just to prevent you from snooping around, although I don't think you would do that, this is safer. If you tell anyone, I'm pretty sure my family will actually come after you"

I stand up after giving MJ and Ned a look that it really is okay, and walk to the bathroom at the end of the hall. A few minutes after I walked in, I hear the door opening, and I turn around to see Flash standing in the doorway.

"Flash" I give him a nod "What do you want now?"

He grabs me by the collar of my shirt, just like Wade did to him earlier, and pushes me against the wall. "Look, Parker" He hisses, his face only a few inches away from mine "I don't know how the hell you bribed the Avengers into acting like they know and care about you, but cut it out. There's no way they would hire you, so stop pretending"

I open my mouth to answer, but shut up instantly when his fist connects with my face. He drops me, and walks out leaving me lying on the ground clutching my face.

I slowly stand up and look in the mirror. Examining my cheekbone, I can already see a bruise forming. I text Ned quickly, asking him to come to the bathroom.

A few minutes later the door opens again, and Ned, MJ and Betty walk in. Their eyes all widen when they see my bruise, and MJ hurries to my side. "Flash?"


"Ass" she sighs, while checking out my bruise. "Now the guys aren't gonna be able to ignore it at all, aren't they?"

I shake my head "No, dad and pops are bad enough as it is. But on top of that both Wade and Shuri are here too."

"Shuri as in the princess of Wakanda?" I nod, confirming Betty's thought. "This is going to be hell on earth" I sigh, when I hear Lizzy call everyone to gather by the elevator.

Ned laughs and we walk out to meet up with Lizzy. Lizzy gives me a look before turning around and motioning the group to follow her to where the Q&A is gonna be.

When we walk in, there is a row of seats across the room facing our seats. Flash runs to get one of the front row seats and MJ, Ned, Betty and I take 4 in the back. After the entire group is seated, Pepper walks out of a door in the corner of the room. She flashes me a smile and greets us "Hello Midtown, welcome!" I frown, she doesn't look really genuine and I know dad and pops filled her in about the situation.

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