The fieldtrip of my nightmares (part 1/?)

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Peter's P.O.V.

*Ring Ring*

I sigh and hit my alarm clock, so hard that it breaks. I grunt, remembering that it is Friday today. The day of the fieldtrip to SI. The problem is I can't fake being sick, as F.R.I. can read my vitals. And besides that, I rarely ever get sick so my dads wouldn't believe me anyway. I sigh and get out of bed. After I have taken my shower, I get dressed and walk to the kitchen to get breakfast.

I get greeted with "Hey Pete", coming from Pops. "Hey Pops, you're up early." I walk towards him and hug him. Then I walk to the fridge to get a drink.

"Yeah, well. I wanted to make you and Morgan breakfast and I wanted to make sure you're okay." Pops answers, looking at me with a serious look in his eyes. "I'm okay" I sigh "Still afraid I'll somehow get discovered though." I look at him worriedly. "You're gonna be fine, I'll make sure that you won't be called upon at the meet&greet at the end of the tour. And I'll keep the rest upstairs the rest of the day." Pops reassures me, and he slides a plate with a enormous stack of chocolate-chip pancakes.

"Thanks Pops." I smile at him and begin almost inhaling my breakfast. I finish in a few minutes and when I look at the clock I realise I'm late. Again. "Bye Pops, need to go!" I yell at Pops, while running out of the kitchen towards the elevator. "Bye!" Pops yells back and then the elevator doors close.

When I get downstairs I run to the car that's waiting for me outside. "Hey Happy" I greet when I get inside. "Hey Pete" Happy replies and I smile at him through his mirror. We get to the school with only 2 minutes before I'm really late. "Bye Happy, see you later!" I say and I quickly run to the bus. "I'm here. I'm here!" I yell at Mrs.Brooks. She turns around with a look like she's gonna murder me.

"You're late again, Parker!" She scolds me. "Yes, I know. Although I technically still have a minute before I am really late" I say, immediately regretting that decision. Now she looks like she could breath fire if she wanted to. I quickly get onto the bus and sit next to Ned, who saved me a seat in the back of the bus. "Dude, where have you been?" He immediately asks. "I was trying to make sure nobody will find out who I really am" I sigh "Hey M.J."

"Hey, so are the others going to leave you alone?" She asks me, looking up from whatever she was reading this time. "They say so, but I'm afraid that if they find out how Flash treats me they won't be holding that promise very long" I answer looking at my friend worried. "You're right" Ned sighs and looks out of the window "They won't leave him alone if they know". M.J. has gone back to reading at this moment, but looks up from her book again with a look of horror on her face.

"What? What is it?" I ask her, getting concerned.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y." She whispers.

"What's wrong with F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Ned asks, not seeing the point.

But I do. I know where she's getting at and I get the same look of horror on my face. "Shit, I need to text Pops real quick" I say, getting more panicked with the second. Given that we are only about 15 minutes away from the tower. I pull out my phone and text Pops really quickly.

 I pull out my phone and text Pops really quickly

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Steve's P.O.V.

I close my phone and start running to the lab. When I get there I knock and get a "Come in" as answer. "Hey Honey" I say walking in. Tony looks up from his work, surprised. "Hey Babe, what are you doing down here? You never come here" Tony says while standing up and walking towards me. I give him a quick kiss and then I tell him "We have a problem. It's with F.R.I.D.A.Y.".

"Why, what's wrong?" He looks at me, clearly not getting what I'm implying.

"When Pete's class gets here, they'll all get a visitors badge. But Peter doesn't have a badge, not even an intern one." I explain to Tony.

"Shit!" He says, realising what I mean. "Language" I mutter, and then ask him "What are we going to do abot this? Peter will be here very soon"


"Yes, Mr. Stark-Rogers?" The AI answers.

"Could you add a intern profile to the list of staff, under the name Peter Parker?" Tony asks, while looking at me slightly frightened.

"Done, is there anything else you need my help with?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs us, and Tony looks at me again before answering. "Yes. could you print a badge with level 8 for Peter Parker and have it delivered at the front desk? Make sure Lizzy Tikse will pick it up and give it to Peter before the other badges get handed out?"

"And could you please tell her to make sure nobody sees it when she gives Peter his badge?" I add.

It stays silent for a moment, before the AI speaks again. "I informed Ms. Tikse of the situation and she will make sure Peter will get his badge unnoticed." I let out a sigh, and hug Tony."That's great Honey, I'll go get Morgan out of bed now. I'll see you later?"

"Sure thing. Bye Babe" Tony responds. He gives me quick kiss before I leave and text Peter the news.

 He gives me quick kiss before I leave and text Peter the news

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A/N; Hey guys! I'm so, so, so sorry I didn't upload on Friday.... My vacation began last week and I'm going to get new furniture for my entire bedroom coming the next few days, so I had a lot of cleaning up to do..... I'll try to upload as soon as possible after this, I'm not sure when tho. I hope you liked this part, and I'll keep you posted.

Love you guys,


(Thank you so much for all the reads this is getting! It means so much to me, so thank you <3)

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