Kill Them All

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"Sev, I don't want to be interrogated but I can't go to a group home." Five says, pacing around. Seven watches from her spot on the bed. "What're we gonna do, we gotta do something."

"What if..." Seven starts, standing up. ", uh..." Seven searches for the words. "I make time." She comes up with, unable to form the correct words.

"Make time?" Five asks.

"Yes, make time." Seven says.

"Make mean stall?" Five asks.

Seven nods, if that's what making extra time for them means then yes, stall is what she means.

"That sounds perfect." Five says, still pacing. "How are you gonna do it?"


"French." Seven says, looking at the lady. Seven crosses her arms over her chest. 

"You need to tell me--" The lady, Commander Shaddick, starts.

Seven cuts her off.

"French." Seven says again.

"How did you end up on the Raza because--" The Shaddick tries again.

"Fweeeeeeeench." Seven drawls out.

Shaddick is ANNOYED.

"Oh my god." Shaddick groans, sitting back in her chair.

Seven smirks.

Shaddick catches this.

"You think you're so funny with your little games." Shaddick taunts, sitting up. "I know you can understand my English so understand when I say this, I'm not getting you a translator so you better start listening."

Well, there goes Seven's plan of stalling by making them get her a translator - that would have at least give them a couple of hours.

"At first I thought you were maybe a kidnapping victim," Shaddick says. "But then I read your file and I realized, there's no one out there who would give a damn if you were taken. Now I'm thinking stowaway."

"French." Seven says again.

"I'll take that as a confirmation." Shaddick says. "Why didn't they get rid of you first chance they got? Because you make yourself useful. I already talked to the other girl, and she explained that the two of you were good at technology."

Seven mentally groans at Five's statement about the two. Seven tries to think of something else, anything else, some kind of escape plan for her and Five. She stares at the single pen on the table.

"That's unfortunate." Shaddick says.

Seven turns her head in confusion.

"Oh, you don't understand?" Shaddick asks. "This potentially makes you an accomplice to any illegal activity conducted while you were onboard." She says loudly. The volume someone says the words aren't the problem, the actual words are the problem. "Including the murder of 15,000 people on Iriden 3. If you admit to your involvement and tell me everything, I can guarantee you immunity, you and the other girl."

Seven continues to stare at her, arms still crossed.

"Listen, you little shit, I can make life very ugly for you." Shaddick sneers, "I can lock you away in a tiny cell until you're old and gray and broken. Or I can play nice." Shaddick is silent for a moment. "How does that sound?"

Seven stares at her.

Then, Seven uncrosses her arms and leans forwards towards Shaddick.

Seven opens her mouth to speak. 

Number Seven //Book Two// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now