We Were Family

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There's a knock on the door.

Seven looks up from the picture she was poorly coloring with her non injured hand and sees Two standing there.

"Hi." Two greets the girls.

"Hey." Five says and Seven smiles.

"Did you get a chance to finish that sketch?" Two asks.

"Yeah." Five says.

Five walks over and grabs a paper from the pile that Seven was messing around with. She hands the sketch to Two.

"You did a really great job on this." Two says. "Thank you."

"I don't get it." Five says. "Something really bad happened to you there. Why would you ever want to go back?"

"I don't." Two says. "But I have a feeling that sooner or later, I may not have a choice."


"Hey, Christmas." Three says, walking into Seven's room (where Five and Seven had moved to) with a big smile on his face. "How's it going, huh?"

The girls share a look.

"Why you here?" Seven asks

"Oh, well, I just figured, you know, with all that's been happening, I'd drop by, see how you're coping, that's all." Three tells them, looking around. "Hey, listen, I heard that you might have set aside some cash that the GA overlooked when they searched the ship."

Seven looks to Five.

"il veut de l'argent" (He wants money) Five tells her in decent french.

"Ohhh." Seven realizes.

"So you're the one who has the money?" Three asks, looking to Seven.

"Yes." Seven says, grabbing the money out of her box.

"Great." Three says, "So I was just wondering if you could spot me a couple hundred bars three, four hundred?"

Seven gives Five a DO-YOUR-THING look.

"How about five?" Five asks.

"Even better." Three says.

"And when do you plan on paying me back?" Five asks.

"Soon. Ish?" Three says.

"At 20% weekly interest, that's 600 you'll owe me if you pay me back in seven days." Five says.

"Thanks." Three says. "I can do basic math."

"So you can calculate compound interest too? Just in case it takes you longer to get me my money." Five says.

"You're a little thief, you know that?" Three asks. "Both of you. Can't help but think that I've been a terrible influence on you. I've got very mixed feelings about that." He walks out. "Thanks, Christmas!"

The girls walk out into the hall to see him leave.

"Hello, five and Seven." Android says. "I understand you'll be headed off ship to visit a space station today."

"Yeah, well, I'm going, Sev's staying here to rest." Five says. "Devon asked me to help him pick up med supplies and equipment."

"May I be of assistance?" Android asks.

"No, I think it'll be pretty straightforward." Five says.

"I see." Android says "Given recent events, it may be prudent to have me join you, for security reasons."

"Two says the pressure's off." Five syas. "This far out we should be okay."

"Five. I'd like to join you on our excursion." Android says "It would give me the opportunity to study human behavior."

Number Seven //Book Two// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now