We Voted Not to Space You

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"You let him out of the isolation chamber." Three says in the mess hall.

"He's not going anywhere." Two says. "He can hardly move."

"You know, that Arax guy was a thief and a liar, but he said one thing that made a hell of a lot of sense." Three says.

"What was that?" Four asks.

"That it's a bad idea to have a cop onboard this ship." Three says.

"He's not a cop anymore." Two says "He helped us escape. They'll never take him back."

"Is that supposed to make me feel sorry for him? He's the guy who put us there in the first place." Three says.

"He may not be a cop, but that doesn't mean he's one of us." Four says.

"Bingo." Three says.

"What exactly is 'us,' anyway?" Five asks. "'Cause lately I'm kind of wondering."


Three joins Two, Five, and Seven walking down the hall.

"All right, we're docked." Three says. "Let's go grab a few drinks while the robot does her thing."

"Oh, hey, not this time." Two says.

"What?" Three asks.

"Everybody else stays onboard." Two says, the group stopping.

"Seriously?" Three asks.

"Yes." Two says.

"You really think she can pull this off?" Five asks.

"How do I look?" Android says, walking over. She looks, and sounds, like an actual human, with hair down and regular clothes on.

"You look great." Two says.

"You look fantastic." Five exclaims.

Seven gives two thumbs up.

"Still not buying it." Three says.

"Would it kill you to give a girl a compliment?" Android asks.

Android opens the door and then looks back at the group.

"Don't worry." Android says. "I got this."

She walks off the ship.


Five and Seven are patiently waiting in the bridge at the computer for a signal from the Android. Well, Seven was TRYING to wait patiently, but she was starting to get antsy.

'Anything?" Two asks, walking in.

"Not yet." Five tells her.

Something pops up on the computer.

"Five." Seven says, elbowing Five and pointing to the signal.

"We got it." Five tells Two.

They retrieve the signal.

Two turns to her comms.

"Three, are you with the Android?" Two asks through the comms.

"Yeah, I got her onboard." Three says.

"Both of you need to come to the bridge." Two says. "We found something."

"Got it." Three says

The crew is in the bridge,

"The investigation's been suspended." Two explains. "It's not clear why, but they did manage to identify a suspect." She looks to Seven and Five. "Show them."

Number Seven //Book Two// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now