Sometimes in Life You Don't Get to Choose

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Five and Seven are down by the vault

Five is eating her food

Seven is sitting on the floor with the box Five is on as a table. She puts her plate, only two bites taken from it, and pushes it away from her

Five looks to her

"Please eat more." Five tells her

Seven cringes, shaking her head no

Because of her concussion, Seven has been having a hard time keeping food down.

"What're you two doing down here?" Six's voice asks. The girls look to see him walking in.

"Just eating." Five says

"Yeah, I can see that." Six says. "But why here?"

"The vents are too cramped." Five says. Six looks at her, knowing that's not true. "I don't want to be around him."

"Who, Four?" Six asks. "I'll be honest, he doesn't seem that different to me."

"You didn't see the way they were when the ship defaulted them back to their old selves." Five says. "We did, and I never want to see that side of them again."

"Yeah, but this time it's different." Six says. "He hasn't lost his new memories. He knows who we are and everything we've been through together."

"I'm not sure that's gonna make a difference." Five says

"I'm gonna tell you two something I haven't told anyone else." Six says. "The old me, the cop I used to be, knew the truth. Anders told me. I knew the G. A. let 10,000 innocent people die to score political points against the Insurrection, and apparently I was fine with it. Because after I found out, I went right back to work."

"Anders told you this?" Five asks

"That's right." Six says

"Well how do you know he wasn't lying?" Five asks. "I know you, and I don't think you'd do something like that."

"You know me now." Six says. "You didn't know me then. I mean, if you're right about me, and I hope you are, doesn't necessarily mean Anders lied. Maybe it just mean that everything I've been through since the mind wipe, everything we've all been through together, has made me a better person."

Six leaves

Five looks back to Seven

"Please eat." Five begs

Seven shakes her head no

"Then talk." Five says

Seven is silent

"Please, Sev." Five syas. "You're leaving me in the dark here and I know you're scared. You're not communicating in any way and it's making me nervous. You gotta talk to me. Come on, it's me."

Seven is silent

Slowly she lifts up her hand and places it on top of Five's hand

She taps her index finger up and down

'I;m okay.' Seven taps

"Then why are you so quiet?" Five asks

'I need some time to figure stuff out.' Seven taps

"Okay, fine." Five says. "But at least eat another bite of food."

Seven sighs, taking her hand from Five's

She looks to her food and grabs the fork,taking another bite

Which was a BAD idea

Seven runs away, a hand over her mouth


"Is this all of them?" The empress asked

"The entire crew, except the two girls." The man answers. "But they're of little consequence."


Five and Seven sneak around a corner with hoods over their heads

They stay still, waiting for their signal


The place shakes, getting bombed

Everyone starts running

"Let's do this." Five says

Seven nods and they run

They run through the doors

"Hi, your Majesty." Five syas, pulling down her hood and Seven does the same. "My name is Five, this is Seven, and we're here to rescue you."

They go to the throne room

"Stop!" Emperor exclaims

"Emperor!" A guard yells

"Arrest the Empress and her allies." Emperor says. "They're to be charged with treason."

"The Emperor has been compromised by our enemies." EMpress says. "Take him back to his room."

"Misaki, you serve the throne." Emperor says. "I am Emperor, not my mother."

Misaki draws her sword against the empress's guards and others follow

"Release the prisoners." Emperor says. "I place the Empress under arrest for the murder of my father. Emperor Ishida Tetsuda. And in my final act as Emperor, I renounce the throne and step down in favor of Zairon's rightful ruler. My step-brother, Ryo."

Ryo steps up to take the throne.

"So, Seer." Ryo says. "Predict the future. Tell me what happens next."

"The Empress will be banished." Seer syas. "Sent into exile as punishment for her crimes. You will appoint your brother to the court as chief advisor. And we will leave empty-handed, but having forged a new alliance with Zairon. One that will prove fruitful for many years to come."

"You guessed wrong." Ryo says. "Korose!" He yells.

Swords are drawn, the seer, guards, and empress is killed. Emperor is killed too

"Four!" Two yells

"My name is not Four. I am Ishida Ryo, Emperor of Zairon." Ryo says


Hope you liked that chapter!! (not a lot happened though)

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