Wish I'd Spaced You When I Had the Chance

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"Hey, Odds." Two's voice comes through the comms, talking to Three, Five, and Seven. Seven and Five stop what they're doing to listen. "You there?"

"Yep." Three's voice comes over the comms. "How goes?"

"The rest of us are done." Two says.

"Ten more minutes?" Five asks

"Well, we're on the other side of the station, so let's say 20." Two says

"Hey, Christmas." Three says, stopping by the fruit stand. "Wrap it up."

Seven points to the red fruit at the stand.

Three looks to Five

"She wants you to try the red ones." Five explains.

"Yeah?" Three asks

Three grabs a red piece of fruit and throws it in his mouth. He starts gagging - it's disgusting.

"Yeah, I know." Five says. "They're super sour, huh?"

"Ugh! My salivary glands are imploding." Three says

"We'll see you in ten." Five says and the girls walk away from him

Five and Seven are looking at something when Five's bag is ripped off her shoulders

"Hey!" Five exclaims

The girls see a man running the other way

Seven takes off after him

Five looks back to Three but he's somewhere else. Five follows after Seven

Seven gets to an isolated part and looks around, the man she was following is no longer around,

She turns around to come face to face with a man who sprays something in her face

She collapses to the ground

The man hides

Five rounds the corner

"Seven!" Five exclaims, running over

Five shakes Seven's shoulders

The man comes up behind Five and she turns around, getting sprayed in the face. Five falls next to Seven

Two men taunt Five and Seven as Five defends the two with a spoon. Another man stands to the side, all of them laughing

"I swear I'll kill you!" Five warns. "I'll hurt you real bad!"

"What're you gonna do, huh? Spoon me to death?" One man asks

Five jams the spoon in his ear and punches him.

The other guy grabs her, holding her back. Seven stumbles to the side

He pulls the spoon out and is about to stab her. Seven gets in a fighting stance.

"Stop! Don't damage the merchandise!" The watching man yells

Five gets sprayed.

The man puts Five down and looks to Seven

He tries to grab her but she punches him twice and then knees him in the ribs. The other guy comes forwards and swings at her but she ducks, grabs the spoon that was thrown on the floor, and kicks the guy's feet out from under him. He falls to the ground and she puts a foot on his chest.

From behind Seven, the first guy creeps up behind her and smashes his gun on the top of her head. Seven crumbles to the ground, unconscious

"I told you not to damage the merchandise!" The watching man yells

Number Seven //Book Two// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now