Going Out Fighting

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In the mess hall, Three sits eating across from Seven and Five. Seven is eating her fruit.

Fur and Nyx

"Wow, you two were really going at it last night." Three says

"Pardon?" Nyx asks at the same time FOur says, "What?"

"I passed you sparring in the training room on the way back to my quarters after dinner?" Three says.

"Yeah, we were training late." Four says

"Yeah, bow staffs and swords." Nyx says.

Four sits next to Seven and Nyx sits next to Five.

"You guys moved on up to grappling?" Three asks.

Five freezes.

Four and Nyx give him a look.

Seven continues to eat. Three's comment completely goes over her head, since she has no idea what he means, so she continues eating.

"Okay, um....we're done." Five says.

Five stands up and grabs Seven's arm, pulling her away.

"But--my food!" Seven exclaims, being taken away from her meal

"We're leaving." Five says.

"Why?" Seven asks.

"Cause!" Five exclaims

The two girls walk out.

They walk down the hallway and to Two's room.

Five taps the console but there's no response from inside

"Two, where are you?" Five asks through the comms

Five knocks on the door, no answer.

Five looks to Seven and nods.

"Do it." Five tells her

Seven rewires the door to open

They see Two there laying on the floor

Seven gasps, running over with Five next to her

"I need help." Five says, reaching for her comms


Two is laying on the table in the medbay

Android and Five watch her vitals

Seven watches Two

Two starts waking up

"Hey." Seven calls to Android and Five

They look over and see Two waking up

"How do you feel?" Five asks her

"I'm fine." Two says, sitting up

"But you're not." Android says

"What are you talking about?" Two asks

"Your nanites, they're in a critical stage of failure." Android says

"What does that mean?" Two asks

"I'm sorry, Two." Android says "You're dying."


"And so your nanites are what gives you your special abilities." Nyx says in the mess hall when everyone had convened

"They also serve the basic function of keeping me alive." Two says. "But now they're powering down. Apparently it's been happening for a while now. A slow progression that manifested no symptoms until their decline reached a critical threshold. That's when I started showing signs. If they shut down completely, one by one, my organs will fail. The simple fact is, my body was not designed to function without them."

Number Seven //Book Two// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now