Take The Shot

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Android had called the team into the mess hall

Android 2 shows up

Seven and Five share a look: uh-oh

"What the hell is this?" Three asks

"She's a simulation. A projection based on my factory default settings." Android says. "I created her to monitor and record my behavior."

"Why?" Nyx asks

"I had become concerned that there may be a flaw in my programming." Android says

"There is a flaw in your programming." A2 says

"Not necessarily." Android says

"Yes." A2 says. "Specifically."

"Evidence would suggest that the alteration may have been deliberate." Android says

"Whether deliberate or accidental, - the results are still the same." A2 says

"I disagree." Android says

"As you would." A2 says

"Stop, both of you." Two says. "Let's start from the beginning. How long has this simulation been running?"

"It's difficult to say, because all data since my last activation was deleted." A2 says

"So you created her to monitor your behavior, but then you deleted the results?" Four asks

"Most likely to protect herself Another indication of aberrant behavior." A2 says

"I didn't delete anything...An indication you don't know what you're talking about." Android says

"O-okay." Two says. "Just wait. If you didn't delete the data, then who did?"

"Um..." Seven speaks up and they all look to her.

Seven nudges Five

"Uh, that might have sort of been us." Five says

"Why would you do that?" Kal asks

"It was just before we were boarded by the GA." Five says. "It was a stressful situation."

"Five, the Android runs the ship, and the ship keeps us alive." Two says. "If the Android is malfunctioning--"

"She is malfunctioning." A2 says

"Not necessarily." Android says.

"Okay, seriously, you two..." Three tells them, making them cut it out

"Is there any actual evidence of a malfunction?" Nyx asks

"Do you want to tell them, or should I?" A2 asks

"There was an oversight." ANdroid says. "When I took the ship into the atmosphere on Galen 2, I neglected to initiate the electrostatic buffering sequence. As a result, one of the secondary capacitors failed. There was no serious damage."

"This time." A2 says

"I'm sorry." Android says. "I should have told you."

"Why didn't you?" Two asks

"Why do you think?" Five asks. "She's afraid you're gonna delete her and start over with factory settings."

"That would be the safest course of action." A2 says "Who's to say the next oversight won't involve a more critical system?"


"Five, Seven, where are you going?" Two asks, following after the girls

"Bwidge." Seven says

Number Seven //Book Two// - Dark Matter - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now