(4) - The Morning After

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What the heck hit me last night? A truck? Ugh! I groan as I sit up from the bed. I rub the side of my head that hurts, trying to subside the pain but it isn't working as I hope it would.

I lazily rub my eyes, earning a yawn from me as I do so. What happened last night? And why does my head hurt so much? I ask myself, I look around only to find myself in a room, not just any room but a hotel room.

A hotel room?! I gasp in shook when I realized I'm naked under the covers, literally no clothes what so ever.

God, No, no. No! Omg, I slept with a stranger last night. Crap, he's right there, inches away. No, no! Why Autumn? Couldn't you keep your legs close for a night? Did you just have a one night stand right now?! Seriously??

I rush, getting out of the bed I look around my surroundings, forming a plan. I need to go, like now! What do people even say after this? I panic as I quickly gather the clothes form the ground.

Damn it! My dress! The beautiful dress I worn was now ripped and torn. This is what you get when you have good sex wait no, the best sex in your life.

What do I do now? Think, Autumn. I look around to see my bra and the t-shirt Mr. Hottie worn yesterday.

I take my chances as I throw on his t-shirt and get my shoes on. My underwear? Where is it?

I look under the bed and the kitchen, I couldn't find it.  Deciding I have no more time left, I quickly get my phone and things and leave. I enter the elevator on my floor. Cussing myself in head, as I ride down.

I run a hand through my messy brunette hair, trying to fix it as much as I can, not waiting people to know I'm a one night stand. I am no where near a virgin but I have never had a one night stand before and I am kinda freaking out.

I honestly blame drunk me. God, I'm so horny when I'm drunk. Maybe that's what you do when you meet a sexy god. Can you really blame me? No.

I exit the elevator, feeling the horrible sensations of the walk of shame.

Finally, I did the job. Entering the streets of what we call New York City. The fresh air hits me, making myself extremely relax and safe of what I call home.

"Taxi!" I call out to the busy street, signaling with my hand in the air.


"Where were you?!" I don't bother to answer her as I throw my phone on the couch, going to the direction of my room. I know she's mad and upset but I can't think right now. Not with this major hangover. I need to take a shower and I need aspirin asap.

I storm pass her, as she trails behind me. "Seriously? You are not going to answer!" She cries. I, on the other hand want to punch her for being so loud.

"Do you know how much I was worried? You didn't even call or text me. I told you to text me, Autumn."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I really am," I apologize but Nessa doesn't take it.

"You sorry? I was worried sick about you. I thought you were kidnapped, mugged or even worse dead! You never done this so what was I supposed to think! Jesus, Autumn you scared me for God's sake." She rants but she quickly pulls me into a tight hug, not letting loose anytime soon.

I gasp in shook but nudge it off when I return the hug. I hear her start to cry over my shoulder. I hush her, calming her down. "Hey, hey. I'm sorry Ness. I should have called or even text. God, I'm the worst. I'm so sorry."

She releases the hug, wiping her tears with her sleeves. "It's okay, just don't do that again, in fact never. Promise me? And keep it this time."

She hands out a pinky. I pout but she gives me the look making me return the promise.

"Okay, I won't do it again." She smiles brightly, dragging both me and her to sit on the bed.

"So, tell me. What happened last night?" She asks, a blush appearing in my face.

So, I tell her. I tell everything that happened that night. To where I drank until I forgot and went home with the hot stranger. I didn't tell the exact details of what happened, of all the intoxicating touches we shared with one another but a quick overview of an amazing night.


That's all for this chapter

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That's all for this chapter. I know it's pretty short but I will write longer chapters in the book or this will be a short story, I'm not sure yet. Anyways, until next time...

Love, The Author


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