(32) - Tell Him?

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Dedicated to @audency @CanIxiU @somia2005 @Mes6829 @innsider @hotlineblank @Aki_2911 @Finderlover @Christina 267 @_Curleyyy_ for voting. 



I'm screwed.

It was the first screaming thought that popped into my brain, mocking me as I worried with every ounce of my being. Marcello was the most I-almost-beyond-a reasonable-doubt, the father of my four-year-old son. Marcello, the man that I recently started seeing and have extreme feelings over is Issac's father. My head couldn't wrap around it and it was crying for me to do something, anything at this point.

Everything was a mess. My dilemma could go three ways. 

One, I can be truthful and tell Marcello everything, two, the coward option of not telling him or three , I'll never tell him and live my life knowing what I know. They are the three options I have with the solid truth I know. The question at state was... what truth I would go with.

I called Nessa the minute Marcello dropped us off. I wasted no time, calling my best friend for help creating a game plan for about what's to come. Marcello was clueless, and I was guilty for not sharing what I had discovered tonight. I was bothered and Marcello read me like a book, knowing I was upset.

He assumed I was upset with him for talking about the woman he had sex with four years ago in  that bar. He couldn't be further than the truth. I was scared for many reasons. Marcello was most likely, the father of my child.

Nothing could explain the same story of that night. He knew the exact rooftop bar, the exact details I had trouble remembering.  If only I wasn't too drunk to realize he was the man I slipped my vagina into. "Autumn!" Ness storms into my apartment, breathing heavily as she slams the door with a bang.

I huff, shooting a glare. "I need that door, Nessa."

"I know, but you called. So, how was your date?" She grins ignoring me, slipping happily as she throws herself at me.

"Not good." I wrap my arms around her, needing the comfort of a friend's hug. I was terrified and I needed someone whose been there from the start.

"What? How?" She released me, leaning back into the couch. "You guys are great together,"

"Issac loves him and I'm pretty sure you're on your way there too. I seen him and I know you can't resist. Autumn, it's been four long years, are you that dead set to be celibate? I'm one hundred percent sure he wants to take you up, all you have to do is say yes."

Leave it to Ness, to suggest sex would fix this. "That's not what I called you for."

"Oh my god, you're sleeping with him! Oh, I knew you had it in you." She squeals, jumping for joy. What? I blinked in confusion, my mouth quiet. 

Her face plummets, her eyes dropping as she takes my silence a bad way. "He wasn't good? Is this what it is? Was his-"

"Nessa! No, and god no. Don't say another word." I pointed out. "That is not what I called you for and if you stop talking I'll tell you."

She shuts up, listening for once in her life. I exhale a huge breath, spilling the words. "I think Marcello is Issac's father."

To say she was shocked was an understatement. Her eyes widened, her face dropping at the news. Her lips pressed in a tight line, stuttering in disbelief. She never stuttered, she wasn't a person too.

"W-what? H-how is it possible?"

"I think you already know that Ness," she scowls as she gets the hint.

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