(8) - The Decision

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Third POV (a/n: Been weeks since the checkup)

After the checkup, Autumn was overwhelmed with surge of emotions. She felt stress, scared and most of all worried. She didn't know if having the baby was the right thing for her. She didn't want to be a failure especially motherhood. One of the worst things she can possibly imagine was to let her child down.

Receiving her prenatal vitamins, plans and options from the checkup. She had three choices-set the baby for adoption, abortion, or keep the baby long term. She didn't believe in abortion. She wasn't very religious but she believed there was a reason she was blessed with her unborn child even if it wasn't the ideal way to get pregnant.

Abortion for her at least was wrong on so many levels. She couldn't kill a human being- her baby. She felt that if she got an abortion she would be a disgrace. Why? Because she was the one who choose to have unprotected sex and it is her responsibility to be aware of it. Both parties are at fault but in this case she was alone. She couldn't identify the father which was terrible for her and her unborn child.

She was always noble and truthful to the things she did. So, being the person that she was, abortion was out of the three options. She was then left with two- keep the baby or adoption.

After overlooking the two choices, she thought adoption could work in her case but it was an option she didn't want to take. She thought long and hard about the situation. Will I ever see my baby again? Will my baby be happy without me?

The answer was no. The foster care system is a mess up system and as much as she wanted to do something about it she couldn't. She couldn't sign over her rights and let strangers raise her baby because her baby was hers and hers alone.

She thought about the responsibilities she would have to take. Being a young mom with no help, maybe from her parents and Nessa but other than that she was on her own. She wouldn't trust others with her baby.

She would also deal with people who would judge easily based on her choices and financial status. She believed if she was able maintained a job or two she would be alright, that she can provide for her child. There would be times were it would be hard but it didn't matter to her. Her baby would bring her joy and all the happiness in the world.

She felt teary about that. Being a mother is a gift, that's what her own mother had told her. Her mother got pregnant with her at the age of twenty one, the same age as Autumn. Her dad was trilled when he received the news of the pregnancy. Both were young but they managed just as fine.

Autumn thought with the support of her parents and Nessa she would be fine. They did a great job raising Autumn and Autumn believed she could do it.

It shouldn't be that hard. She thought.

"Nessa!" Autumn called for her as she sat on the L-shaped couch, flipping through channels as she was bored minutes before.

"Coming! I'm here, I'm here," She took a seat beside Autumn, leaving space between them. She knew that pregnant women tend to be hormonal so she didn't want to upset Autumn. It's was one of the horrible symptoms that came with being pregnant. On the good note for the past few weeks, Autumn's belly was slowly growing each day. Each day closer to meeting JellyBean.

It may be of shock but Nessa loves babies, ever since she was a little girl. She always played babies with Autumn pretending the two were mothers. Nessa loved how adorable babies looked with their tiny feet and chubby cheeks. She could wait to meet the little Angel that will surely be beautiful because of the mother.

In truth, Nessa believed Autumn was naturally beautiful and had a wonderful persona. Sometimes she would get mad at Autumn for assuming that she was the prettiest one of the two. It's was Autumn who was the prettiest because of her natural brown waves and smile that could light up a whole room. And let's not forget the cute almost invisible freckles she had right above her nose. Autumn never understood the rare beauty she hold. Nessa strongly believed in her heart that whoever got to spent forever with her best friend was indeed a lucky person.

To Nessa, her best friend was a jewel and deserved everything in the world. Her only hope was that Autumn remembered the father of her child and one day reunite with him. She didn't want Autumn to feel alone in this. She provided her all of help but it wouldn't be enough for a father figure. Growing up without a father is what Nessa has experience with and it isn't pretty. She prayed that Autumn and her child will be reunited with the father and hoped to god he isn't a jerk face or else-well you don't want to know what she would do. She doesn't want the baby to grow up without a father just like she did.

Nessa was always the wild adventurous type different form Autumn. The two were so different yet alike. That's what made them so compatible. It was weird knowing that the two meet since they were toddlers, and here they were, twenty one years later still strong in a friendship. It been a great help that their mothers were also friends, allowing Autumn and Nessa to visit one another often. They were sisters at heart even if they came from different mothers.

"I have to tell you something," Autumn braces her herself. Once she said this, there was no turning back now. No turning away from the decision.

"What is it?" Nessa relied, leaning more into the couch, closer to her best friend.

"I'm keeping my baby, I'm keeping my son,"


That's it for this chapter

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That's it for this chapter. This chapter was Third POV with both Nessa and Autumn feelings about the baby situation. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for the voting.

Love, The Author


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