(11) - I Miss Daddy

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Autumn POV

"Baby! Wake up!" I turn off the stove off, not wanting to burn the food I made for the past hour. Issac hasn't woke up yet and it's already almost nine o'clock in the morning. Work starts at nine thirty for me only because I had to make adjustments for my little baby. I work daily and still manage to take care of him. It's stressful and tiring being a full time mom but I don't complain because there's nothing to complain about. My Issac deserves the world and I'm going to give it to him. If it takes everything in me to do it, I would and I will.

I leave the food on a plate in the microwave before checking up on him. Issac might be sleeping in but I need to know if he's alright and not doing anything mischievous.

Walking to his room, I lightly knock on the door. No response. Opening the door, I find Issac on his bed  reading his book- Just Me and My Dad

Aww baby.

Leaning on the door frame something tugs my heart, I didn't want my baby to be upset and sad. I know Issac misses his dad, everything in his actions say that. He is always reading that book and looks at other kids sadly in his eyes when he sees father and sons at the daycare. He doesn't ask me about it because I know he's scared or maybe he doesn't want me to remember anything traumatic. I don't know the exact reason but I got an idea.

Nessa told me everything about her dad. Her feelings and emotions and the fear of being alone. Her deadbeat dad left her when she was a baby. If you asked me, he was nothing but an idiot because he missed out the most extraordinarily person that is my best friend. It saddens me that I can't bring Issac's dad back into the picture because I don't know who he is. I blame that on me and I'm possibly the worst mother for doing that.

Sooner or later, I have to start thinking of marriage but then again I don't want to be one of those mothers in a loveless marriage for the sake of my kid.
I don't know what to do because it's my fault my baby doesn't have a father. If we were both sober enough to ask for a name or number, things would've been different.

"Mommy!" Issacs angelic voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"What you reading?" I point to the book. I sit down on the bed hovering over his small body.

"Daddy!" He smiles, flipping a page. I chuckle but agree. The children book contain two animal looking bears... I don't know what was but it displayed a dad and a son bonding and talking.

"Yes, it is," I said now combing my hands through his dirty blonde hair as he continues his reading out loud.

"I'm going to do that with my daddy. My daddy works too like Mommy!" He said brightly, his eyes twinkling in happiness which only made me thrive in guilt and disappointment. I wanted to give my baby everything, I want to give him his dad. Ever since I gave birth to him, I hired a private investigator to look into it but after three years nothing. Nothing came in. No signs of evidence.

I even went back to the club to check the cctv but they couldn't do anything for me due to policy of disclosing information. Each lead always went to a dead end. I'm trying but it's not enough. A tear rolls down my cheek but I wipe away. I didn't want Issac to see me sad. He will only worry.

"Baby, I called you. Did you hear me?" I ask, only for him to shake his head mischievously no. Oh, I see what he playing now.

"That's it!" I grab him, tickling him in his stomach.

"S-stop, Mommy! M-mommy!" His uncontrollable giggles suppress the room, begging me to stop. I stop and remember I still have food he needs to eat.

"You hungry baby?" He eagerly nods. Jumping off the bed, he runs to the kitchen.

Following closely behind I take his plate form the microwave, putting it in front of him. "There you go!" I already ate earlier when I woke up which explains why I am not eating now.

"Pancakes!" I laugh at him, getting the syrup from the fudge knowing he won't eat them without it. My baby's adorable and smart but one thing he is- undeniably stubborn. I don't know where he gets it maybe from his father.

As I watch Issac silently eat, a grin at the corner of his forming cheeks and face I can't help but miss his father. It's not romantic or anything like that but more like his role and presence. I miss him for my little Issac, I miss the fact I can't give him what he needs.

I most definitely can raise Issac by myself but I can't be both father and mother. He needs his father more than I like to admit. I can never replace the presence of his father and that makes me heartbroken because I can't do that for my baby.

I want Issac's father in the picture but there's only so much I can do.

"I'm finish!" Issac yells and then picks up his plate handing over to me.

"You did didn't you? Let's go. Mommy needs to take you to the daycare. You ready?" Issac hums in reply stepping of the small stool he goes to the front door where his shoes are placed while I drop the dish into the sink.

Issac starts putting his shoes on like I showed him a few weeks ago but he has difficulty tying the shoe laces. I make my way over to them grabbing my things.

"Issac, do you need help?" I ask but now with my keys and purse in hand.

"No, mommy. I'm a man. Boys only need help." He protests pouting his lips. Attempting once again with his adorable little dress shoes, he struggles tangling the shoelaces.

I bend down, tugging his shoe laces and unknotting them. "Baby, you are a man yes but sometimes it's okay to ask for help okay? A man is a man if he truly admits that he needs help and doesn't let his ego get to him. Yeah?"

Issa nods letting me continue with his laces. "Here, you make two big loops first. Then you tie it slowly," I say demonstrating how to tie the laces together, one loop going under the other loop before tying it up in bunny ears laces.

"See, now you try," I said touching his soft cheek.

Issac concentrates aiming to repeat what I just showed him on his next shoe. It takes him three frustrating times for him to get it right.

"Mommy, look, look I did it!" He exclaims in joy making me smile in return.

"Yes, you did baby."


Not my best chapter but this is it

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Not my best chapter but this is it. Don't really know what to say other than I hoped you like this chapter. Anyways until next time...

Love, The Author


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