(6) - The Test

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"What?!" I shout. "What the hell do you mean you think I'm pregnant?"

"It's what I just said, Autumn. You are pregnant." She said in a unfazed tone. How is she not freaking out? A minute ago she was nervous, and now she's not?

"H-how? Why? H-how?" I stutter, the idea not wrapping this whole thing around. I'm pregnant? No, there's no way. I am always careful and I know for a fact that's not possible. How did this happen?

"It's simple, really, it happens when a guy puts his penis and he slashes it int-"

I cover my ears, slightly squeezing, "Ahh! Stop, Ness. I know how it happens. I want to know how it happened."

She looks at me with two heads, "What the? What are you talking about?"

"No, we are not having this conversation," I dismiss, waving my hands in the air signaling no. Still denying any fact that I am indeed-pregnant.

"We have to. Lately, your throwing up every morning. Signs of morning sickness and when was the last time you had your period. Be real with me,"

Now that I think about I'm late. Crap! No, this can't be happening. God Autumn, ever heard wrap it before you tap it. Don't you ever listen!

I'm only twenty one. I barely graduated a seven months ago and I don't even have a job. Oh my god! How am I supposed to have a baby? I can't. Oh, no. No.

Nessa runs my way, rubbing my back. I guessed she noticed my uneasiness because she coos me. "It's okay. I'm here. We still need to take the test to be sure, but it's okay,"

That seemed to calm me down, there's a chance I may not be pregnant. You know false alarm, those happen a lot of times. People skip periods somethings so it shouldn't be a big deal. Haha, funny. I hope.

"We need a test," Nessa nods, agreeing with me.

After getting two pregnancy tests at CVS down the street, and judgey look from the cashier we made it back in fifth-teen minutes, quick if you ask me.

"Pee on the stick," Nessa hands me the test. I shoo away in disgust.

"I don't wanna," I whine, pleading with Nessa not to make me do it.

"Autumn!" She whisper yells. "Do you want to find out or not?"

I groan, "You do then."

Annoyed she sets the test down in the sink, "I would but I'm not the one possibly pregnant," She looks at me, telling me to go on.

"Okay, fine." I reach to take the pregnancy test, my index and thumb carefully lifting it into the air. Not wanting to touch the pre-pee part.

I look at Ness, giving her a tight smile. "What?" She asks, a hand on her hip.

"Can you please leave? I need to pee,"

"B-but," I cut her off.


"Okay, fine. Come out when you're done. Take them both." She instructs before leaving the room.

"How much longer?" I ask, looking down at the disgusting pregnancy tests I did my business with.

"Two minutes, Autumn, try to calm down," She said as I was frantically pacing back and forth. That could be possible if I wasn't too busy freaking out. You never tell a person who's freaking out to calm down. It never works!

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