(5) - The Flu?

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2 Weeks Later... Still Autumn's POV

"Uhh, this sucks," Gripping the toilet seat I just threw up in, I wonder if I should see the doctor. This past week I have been throwing up at random times causing me feel nauseous throughout the day. Nessa thought I should have gone to my primary doctor earlier in the week, predicting it could be the flu. I thought it was completely unnecessary, that it would go away and now I'm not so sure anymore.

Everyday I wake up with an urge to go to the bathroom, and throw up. I'm so sick of it.

"Nessa," I call out to her, holding my stomach in pain.

"Yeah?" I hear her voice in the distance.

"Call my doctor, please! I d-don't," I don't finish my sentence because I vomit again. Puking a chug of yellow goo. I cringe at the sight and smell. I flush the remains, squeezing my eyes shut.

I close the lid, leaning against the wall. "You okay?" Nessa asks, her body now standing in the doorway.

"No, I'm going to book an appointment with the doctor. I don't know what's wrong with me," I confess, looking at Nessa she looked worried. She looked like she wanted to say something, as she pressed her lips together. Like she knew something I didn't know.

"Ness, what's wrong?" She crosses her arms in an attempt to calm the nerves she had. What would she be nervous about?

"N-nothing's wrong." She clears her throat, avoiding all contact with me, "Why would anything be wrong?"

"I don't know, maybe because you are acting weird, stranger than usual,"

Her eyes widen for a split second, "No, no. Why would you think that?" She squeals at the word would. She lying, I know it. But what is she lying about?

"Tell me," I command, getting up from my spot on the ground.

"I have nothing to say,"

"You are lying. Ness, you do that thing with your eyes and you stutter," I said, unconvinced she was telling the truth. It had to be something important or messy because we never keep secrets from each other. We always been honest and open and now she's being weird and off. It's scary, it's so unlike her.

"Just call your doctor," She turns on her heels leaving me dumbfounded and confused.


The Next Morning... God, I hate waking up...

"Morning, Ness." I grin brightly at her, ignoring how weird she was acting yesterday. Probably, it was something at work or a... Oh my God. She has a secret boyfriend, that's it! It clicked, she was never the relationship type of person. I understand why she was hiding it, I mean why else would she act so weird and secretive. There's no other explanation.

"Morning," She said over her shoulder, not turning around. Looking back at the food, she flips another pancake. That's weird, she's avoiding me.

I shoot her a confused look behind her back. But the thought swiftly leaves when the smell of pancake batter fills my nose causing my stomach to growl from the scent. Instinctively, I lick my lips in hunger, wanting the taste of the soft flat cake.

Wanting to help to make the process go faster, I open the fudge, taking out the carton of milk, eggs and bacon. Setting the items on the counter on the side a few feet away from Nessa, I turn again this time to get the glasses and plates from the cabinet.

Finish with the tasks, I sit in one of the black backless bar stool. "Do you need help?"

"Uhh... I'm fine. Thanks. You can go sit down in the living room," She rushes out. Now finished with the pancakes she sets them onto a big plate, moving on to make the eggs.

"Are you mad at me?"

"W-what? No. Why would you think that?" She turns off the stove, her full attention on me now.

"I don't know, maybe because you are not taking to me like you usually do. I walk in and you tense up. Why?"

"I don't tense up," She denies, but that's completely untrue. All day, yesterday, she hadn't said a word to me, not after my vomit incident. Does she think I'm gross or something or was I right about the secret boyfriend?

"Ness, you haven't said a word to me yesterday and now you are ignoring me. I probably sound clingy but why? You are never act like this." I admit, trying to get her to tell me what's wrong.

"It's nothing, and I'm not ignoring you okay?" I furrow my eyebrows still not believing it. It has to be something or else she wouldn't behave this way. I get the feeling, she knows something I don't.

"You have a boyfriend?" I blurt out, as a question that also appeared as a statement. This causes her to laugh, making me more confused than I was.


"You cheated on a test? Your'e married? Wait what no... You are secretly an FBI agent?," I go on with ridiculous theories, not giving her a chance to rely. "A pilot, a stripper, a Russian spy, are you bi? Oh my god. That's it! It's okay, I accept you for who you are. You don't have hide, I get it. I still love you fo-"

"Stop it! No, none of those are true. Seriously Autumn, married and Russian spy? You really got to stop watching those action movies." She scolds, her face turning red.

"Well, what is it?"

"I'm not sure you want to know," She puts her spatula aside. Crossing her arms again like she did yesterday.

It shouldn't be that bad, right?

"I'm sure, what's bothering you? Ness, are you okay?" I get up and stand beside her, comforting her by my presence telling that I'm here for her.

"Y-yes, I'm okay. But I don't think you are," I squint my eyes, still not comprehending. What does this have to do with me?

"We need to talk and I think you need to sit down for this." She hesitantly tells me. I go back to my originally spot and sit down.

My heart begins to beat fast, not knowing what she's going to tell me. I would be lying if I say I wasn't nervous. Nessa is the opposite of worried, she's the carefree, have a blast type of girl. She's not that type of person so whatever this is, must be bad and nerve racking.

I brace myself, there's nothing she can't tell me that we can't get through. Yup, so whatever it is, it shouldn't be that bad. Jezz, she needs to loosen up.

"I think you're pregnant."



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Yeah... It was kinda a boring chapter. Comment how well I'm doing. Also, the next chapter will not be boring like this one.

Anyways, until next time.

Love, The Author


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