(25) - Sick

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I ignored Nico or Marcello, I wasn't sure what to call him, but he left multiple messages lingering what's wrong questions and worried statements. It's been two months and yet no response. I didn't answer back because I was too angry that I wanted to punch the living shit out of him. My mind couldn't fathom that I, Autumn Black, was involved with a-soon-to-be married man, and I was oblivious to it.

Salty tears fell down my cheeks as I remembered the horrid pain of heartbreak. I was cheated on before; it was excruciating. It was a perfect paradise until a storm erupted out of nowhere from the chirping sky, shattering my heart into of pieces.

Was it true? I didn't know; I was too frustrated and depressed to find out.

I needed to brush my thoughts off, and ignore the misleading man I thought I knew. So, I took the day off despite Sarah's vexing rants, taking Issac to a peaceful day at the zoo.

"Mommy, look, it's a yellow horse," Issac exclaimed excitedly to the giraffes eating the tree huff and bushy leaves. I chuckled, seeing my baby boy, dressed in slacks and his favorite red striped shirt and his park merchandise hat I brought, pointing to the herd of animals.

"It's giraffe," I corrected as I shifted my gaze.

Issac laughed, pushing his hands more onto the wooden barrier. I warned him to stay close, but he was too excited, to listen. I lightly placed my hands on his waist, making sure he couldn't fall off the small ledges.

"They eat together, like us. They are so pretty." He said as his eyes lit up with affection. Issac laughed, enjoying himself. It was Issac's first time looking in the safari, and it was heartwarming knowing he was having fun.

"Yay, they are pretty like you." I kissed his chubby cheeks, earning a laugh to escape from his lips. Issac pouted and protested as I keep calling him a pretty boy.

"I'm handsome, not pretty. Pretty is for girls." He corrected, hoping off the barrier. "Mommy, look!" Issac took my hand, running towards the lions playing playfully with the cubs.

"It's you and me." I gush with a fake surprised gasp. Issac's eyes pop of their circuit, realizing what I said was right. I laughed, seeing Issac freaking out over the animals.

"We turn into them?" He questioned with his eyebrows curled, slightly up.

"No, they are animals. They are a family. Like us." I smiled, bending down to see Issac's ocean blue eyes on me.

Issac nodded and released my arm to rub his stomach in a circular motion. "I'm hungry. I want food," He said with puppy eyes and a pout. He was so adorable and I couldn't say no.

"Okay, baby. Let's go."


Reaching home after a tiring day was the best feeling ever, to know that my warm bed was waiting for me. Issac and I had a fantastic time at the zoo, seeing the exotic animals roam freely in the safari. Issac had the most fun as he couldn't stop talking about the beautiful animals we saw. He loved the polar bears and the elephants the most, explaining they were big, and he wanted to cuddle with them. My heart stopped thinking about the endless of terrible possibilities with that factor, so I brought him teddy bears from the gift shop for him to sleep with at night. It was crazily expensive, but I didn't mind as much knowing Issac loved it.

Issac was asleep as I walked through the hallow corridors of my building. I was holding Issac in my arms and the zoo bag with the stuff animals. I released a smile, seeing Issac swirl in his sleep, trying to adjust himself comfortably on my shoulder.

I hummed as I scrolled down, but my smile disappears as I saw a familiar face standing against the wall of my apartment door.


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