(33) - Gala and Daddy

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Picture of Autumn'a dress above and music selection for this chapter. There will be a *Play Song Here* later on in the chapter so just look for that when you start the song. 

Dedicated to @N_Crown @keitu30 @odysee_rainbow @chathano @zoevik @kekloves @Christaida @bluishgold and @Sliverrosey for voting.



Autumn's POV

After months of preparation and stress, the gala was finally here. I was nervous and yet excited for tonight. To my relief, Ness agreed to watch Issac for my sake and I couldn't be more thankful.

Tonight... I have to tell him.

Tonight, was the night I will tell Marcello everything. No matter what happens, I would make it my last mission to tell him. After the Monday lunch situation, I clamped up, making it the biggest regret of the week. The only thing I was sure was I wasn't going to make the same mistake again.

I was even more nervous of his reaction but on the better note I was happy. Stock couldn't cover that I was Marcello's girlfriend. Us. We had an us and we were official.

Marcello was my boyfriend.

It sounded weird at first, but the more I said it, it didn't sound more right. For the first time, I was actually thinking about all the positives in my relationship. Isaac loves him, he's the type of man my parents love and I really do like him. I shouldn't be worried, much like Ness said.

I glanced at the clock, looking at the time. He's almost here. I looked into the mirror, satisfied with my golden eye makeup and the contour of my dress. It was the dress Marcello gifted me a night prior and it was the most beautiful dress I ever seen.

The gown was golden, representing the golden atone of the sunset raising in the distance. It was shiny and long, a trail running down at it's end. It fit me like a glove, a perfect fit. My hair was curled into soft waves, naturally down as I paired a similar stiletto heels to match. 

"Mommy!" Issac yelled jumping on my legs. I stumbled in my heels, catching Issac. "You look pretty." He said, his hands reaching out to my soft waves. I laughed, picking him up. 

"You are going to ruin Mommy's hair." Issac shrugs, touching my hair delicately, fascinated with its softness and structure. I shrug it off, my heels tapping the floor as I walked to the living room where Nessa awaited for my reveal. 

She was on the couch, her blonde hair in a bun as she ate a bowl of cereal. Nessa was watching the show I could hardly ever watch, the Vampire Diaries. There were so many seasons and drama, I couldn't keep up. Issac took most of my time, and I loved every minute of it.

"Nessa!" I catch her off guard. She turned, her mouth chocking on the spoonful of cereal as she takes a look. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

She coughs, "What kind of question is that? Who the hell are you and what did you do?" 

I furrow. Did I look that terrible for her to choke?  Nessa notices my change of mood, denying her reaction. "No, Autumn," She stands in front of me and Issac, gazing up and down. "You look fucking fantastic. Oh my god! You look so pretty. Doesn't she Issac?" 

Issac nods his head, agreeing. "Thanks," 

"But I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous."

"Why? Marcello is definitely going to love it. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys fu-"

"Okay, that's enough." Saved by a knocked on my door, I put Issac down and open to a extremely sexy Marcello in a black tuxedo. He looked amazing. His hair was pushed back with a few hairs falling out of place, and the expensive framed his muscles tightly and firm making me gulp. 

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