26. Standstill

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"Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed and rearranged to relocate us to the place we are meant to be."


Sampurnaa's pov:

It's been 3 days!
It is my birthday today, but celebrations are far away from my mind.

The court hearing had been stalled and investigations have taken a new route following the Minister's death. The post mortem had revealed that the minister had been administered slow poison in small amounts. He also had traces of heroin and cocaine in his bloodstream. He had been dead even before the bullet was shot at him. This added to the unsolved mystery that had the media, the police, the investigation and intelligence team in a mess.

His death followed by someone deliberately burning down Jannah to the ground has left us at a dead end.

The past few days had been so hectic. I had to go for on field reporting at the crime scene, outside the police station, at Jannah and even at New Delhi to cover the funeral of the minister which was done with full state honours.
My parents have planned something for my 25th birthday but I have honestly not been involved in their discussions.

I returned from New Delhi at 11 last night. I couldn't even stay up till midnight for them to wish me as my energy had been drained out totally.
I have tried my best to not carry the stress I feel at my workplace back home with me. With Adri Boudi being pregnant, I had to be more careful. If I create a stressed or disturbed environment, then that would affect her health and the baby's.

I woke up in the morning today and went out after freshening up and changing.
Maa and Baba hugged me and kissed my forehead wishing me a happy birthday and hopefully a successful year ahead.
Dada blessed me saying, "Tor biye taratari hok!(May you be wedded soon)!"
I was pissed off and annoyed at that but the very next moment, Adrija Boudi got a bout of morning sickness, so the topic was closed and forgotten abruptly.

Boudi's parents and Indrayan came over for lunch. They wished me and even gifted me Sidney Sheldon books even though I had refused to accept gifts from them.

Indrayan wished me and I thanked him, but other than that, there was no other conversation between us. There was an uncomfortable silence. Almost like everything in our lives had come to a standstill.
We had strived hard to get justice to all the victims! Yet, all our efforts seemed to have gone in vain.
With Jannah burnt to the ground, there was no more evidence that could be collected.
The police investigations report that there had been a gas leak and that is how the fire had spread. Two policemen who had been there on guard had lost their lives during the catastrophe.
Everything seemed to have been an accident but circumstances force us to believe that there is more than just black or white in this case.

Sridha had been shaken at the sudden turn of events. She was hell bent on withdrawing the case against the Sequiras as she is afraid that her life is in danger.
I tried to convince her and told her that all this was for a good cause. Her parents supported me and eventually she agreed. The next hearing is on the 14th.

After lunch, I was sitting in the balcony, on the floor, silently. Dada and Boudi were in their room while Maa and Baba were talking to Uncle and Aunty.

"Sampurnaa?", I heard Indrayan calling me.
I turned to him and raised my eyebrows silently asking him to proceed saying what he has to say.
He came and sat next to me on the floor. I looked at him expressionless.
He sighed and then finally voiced out his thoughts, "Sampurnaa...."


Indrayan's pov:

Jannah had been burnt down to the ground even after all sorts of security arrangements!
Two policemen who had been there had to pay with their lives!
The future of Sridha's case seemed dark.

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