61. Verdict

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"Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrranical."

-Blaise Pascal

2nd January
Sampurnaa's pov:

My heart feels way lighter today, now that the truth is out. It is so horrifying to think that a senior woman, who looked harmless had planned all this! She seemed so frail and simple! Honestly, this was the most unexpected thing that could have happened!
The Health Minister finally confessed to his crimes!

I was still seated behind the courtroom, along with the other reporters. They were complaining of stiff bodies and backache! To be honest, even I am having problem... To sit in one place for around 4.5 hours; it isn't easy!

I still remember that night when I had discovered that Mrs. Karune was Sanchi Desai's sister.


"Eureka! I finally got it!"

"What is it that you got?" he asked me while stifling a yawn.

"The key!"

"What key are you talking about, Sampurnaa?" he asked me sitting up properly

"Mrs. Arpita Karune is Sanchi Desai's sister."

A moment of silence and then.

"What the hell are you saying? How did you reach this conclusion?" he asked me immediately forgetting his drowsiness

"You are so ignorant! You literally had the truth revealed to you! All you had to do was to read in between the lines!" I exclaimed

I explained him everything.
"You remember Anya told us that Sanchi committed suicide and that she burnt herself to death?"

He nodded.

"She also mentioned that her sister sustained severe burn injuries that day." I reminded him
He nodded again.
"That day, Raj Matthews told you that he knew Arpita, right?" I asked him
"Yes. He told me that he knew her. He said that his wife was a nurse and that Arpita would go to her for dressing when she injured herself in the burnt..." he stopped midway.

"Exactly, my point!" I told him triumphantly

"Wow, my Archimedes! It's a good thing that you did not discover this in the shower!" he told me teasingly

I hit him playfully and the two of us were up the entire night, talking about the case and the possibilities of my thoughts being true.
End of Flashback.

It feels so good to think that we both discovered the truth that day! I was seated in my place when Sridha came to me.

"Di! Please come and sit in front with me. The justice is going to give the verdict... I sort of need you there." she confessed

I stood up and put an arm around her shoulder.
"I can't go there today. I am representing the media and I entered the court with my press pass today, not as a witness, a spectator or a complainant. I am there with you, Sridha. Please don't worry."

"Ma'am, please go ahead and sit. None of us reporters would mind. You may be here on professional grounds today, but the truth is that you are a complainant. Please sit there ma'am. It is your right!" some random reporter told me

Another spoke in his favour, "Please go ahead. No one's going to mind. And as far as the justice is concerned, I doubt if he would object."

Sridha looked at them and then told me, "Everyone wants you there di! This case wouldn't have come this far without you... Please di! Come ahead and sit next to me... I need you there!"

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